Mobile Video Marketing
Video Marketing is a lot easier than you might think...You already have the kit
I was listening to a conference call the other day and the subject of Video Marketing came up a few times during the discussions.Now most people when they start out in Internet marketing have very low budgets,

very little money for paid advertising and limited equipment. After all that ones of the main reason we all start a home based get more money coming in...Right ?So when it come to video marketing you instantly think you need the following equipment :* Studio to make the video* Lighting* Editing equipmentand of course A Video Cameraetc etcWell you'll be pleased to know that most people pretty much already have the above....and more.Let me explain:* Studio to make the video ( Well if you have a roof over your head.....well done you have a studio )* Lighting ( As above....just turn on the lights ....Well done again )* Editing equipment ( If you have MS Vista you will have "MS Movie Maker" FREE....If not , do a Google search and you will find it for FREE )Of yes the last one.....Video Camera......Well you have options here1, You have a digital Video Camera2, You have a Web Cam3, You have Cell Phone with a camera/video already on3, Borrow one of the aboveYou see when you want to make a movie its not that difficult after all. Video marketing is and will be the greatest method of getting a number of messages out for your product.I highly suggest you start to use this method of marketing on a daily / weekly bases.I hope this has been useful