Your gleaming with pride. You just finished a very ... building campaign ... a ... of ... ... ads that have landed 1000 new ... to your ... But sl
Your gleaming with pride. You just finished a very prosperous
list building campaign utilizing a combination of classified and
E-Zine ads that have landed 1000 new subscribers to your opt-in
list. But slowly you pride subsides to fear. What do I do now?
How do I keep these people on my list?
This is a very common problem faced by anyone who markets on the
internet. Fear not. With a bit of guidance and hard work your
pride turned to fear will revert to self-satisfaction. Here
is what you need to do.
Content. Content. Content. Need I say it again? The only
mechanism you need to ensure is in place is to deliver high
content information to your list on a regular basis. Be sure that
some people will unsubscribe simply because they were only
interested in the free giveaway you offered to get them on the
list. It's O.K.. You don't want them on your list. The people who
remain are the ones that are clearly interested to hear what you
So, content is the key and so content they should get. Where do
you find content. Well you can write your own articles. Yes, I
said write them yourself. Think back about your business. What is
it that you know? What about that successful ad campaign you just
ran? How about offering them a short e-course on running ads?
Spend some time to come up with ideas and then sit down in a
quite place and start writing. Don't grammar check or spell check
anything yet. Simply write and let the ideas flow.
Afraid to write or just starting out in your business? There are
many places online where you can find articles to publish at no
cost to you. Many authors agree to distribute their work in
exchange for exposure. Here are a few places to consider.
(1) The e-Kinetic E-Zine - listing of articles on home
business ventures. (
(2) ARA Content (
(3) Free Content (
(4) The Idea Marketers (
(5) Ezine Articles (
(6) Ezine Hub (
Another excellent source for articles is newsgroups. I use this
method of promotion for my own articles at least weekly. Go to
Yahoo! and create an account for Yahoo! Groups. Once logged in
simply go to the group category of your choosing. There are
hundreds to thousands of submitted articles which you can
reprint. Make sure to abide by the authors guidelines and
resource box.
As long as you offer valid content most of your subscribers will
stick with you. If you are just starting out I recommend you
focus only on content in your newsletter for at least a few
months. After this initial period you can begin advertising
within the content. Take it slow at first. Above all else, do not
allow your newsletter become a sales pitch. Trust me when I say
that your subscribers have a keen sense of smell for this. So,
what are you waiting for?! Get to the content!
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