If you believe the renegade network marketer is really a scam then you need to read our hard-hitting report. The results may surprise and shock you!
Internet network marketing has become somewhat of a buzz term in MLM circles and the truth is,

it's the new age of network marketing offering enormous benefits to those old school marketers brave enough to venture into it.
There may be those out there pushing the renegade network marketer scam but unless you do your own due diligence and understand exactly what it is and how it works then you are only guessing and worst of all, being mis-led.
The reality is the scam is being committed by those stuck in the old school methods and attempting to influence people with an entrepreneurial spirit to truly take their MLM business to another level. In a nutshell, the renegade network marketer scam is not a scam but a blueprint for attraction marketing.
Just ask yourself this...where are you in your network marketing business right now? Are you successful? Are you attracting a regular flow of leads and most of all, are you making money? Working your network marketing business online doesn't abandoning your offline promotions.
Why The Internet Is Your Lead Generating Friend
The plan is to introduce another lead avenue and without leads in MLM, then you may as well give it up and take up fishing. Here are some vital facts about lead generation online:
- The internet works 24/7 365 days of the year
- Your target market won't just be located in a confined perimeter around your home
- You will have a worldwide audience
- The internet allows you to target the audience you want instead of just throwing it out there and hoping you get a bite
And best of all, it will allow you to brand yourself as an expert in your chosen field. For example, if it's nutrition then with a blog, website, web 2 properties, article marketing and video marketing you can provide people with information about your chosen topic.
When we say brand yourself it simply means promoting yourself instead of your company or products. But don't worry, it doesn't mean you won't get any interest in your business opportunity. Get this and you will have cracked the code to succeeding in network marketing:
It's you your prospect will join in business not your company. By promoting yourself with education and training materials that help your prospects move forward there will virtually be no need for the dreaded sales pitch. Remember this the next time someone talks about the renegade network marketer scam.