The Control Freak's Approach to Home-Based Business

Jan 3


Laurie Hayes

Laurie Hayes

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Are you a control freak with your home business? Sure, it may feel good to have your finger on every facet of your business, but what is the price you're paying for it?


I was going to start up a Control Freaks Anonymous chapter in my town,The Control Freak's Approach to Home-Based Business Articles but then I realized I wouldn't let anyone else have a hand in planning the meetings, have a say in how things would be done or who could and could not attend.

I decided it would take too big a bite out of the time I spend running my business, so decided not to bother.

Hi, my name is Laurie Hayes, and I'm a control freak. (Everyone together, "Helloooo Laurieee!")Okay, I'm being silly, but the truth is I've been a control freak all my life. Sure it's served me well in some ways, but it's also been the source of many disappointments too.

It took close to 40 years for me to realize how being a control freak was seriously holding me back and it really became apparent after I left the work world to run a business full-time from home.

I learned some very important things about myself.

- I'm an originator, not a maintainer.- I'm a visionary, not a disciple- I'm conceptual, not detailed

- I need speed and crumble under a slow, tedious pace

- I'm motivated by newness and wither with repetitionBut in my need to control everything as I was building my business, I wasted a terrible amount of time and money…

  • trying to work my way through html so I could make my own changes to my web site
  • double checking and correcting all of the work of my first VA instead of cutting her loose much sooner
  • trying to design my own graphics and create my own branding instead of having a professional do it for me
  • trying to control costs by hiring the cheapest help available then having to hire out professionals to correct the mistakes

… and a whole lot of other time-stealing tasks that took me away from growing my business.It took a series of lessons and wonderful mentors to help me understand that if you don't do something well or like it in particular, or if doing it takes you away from focusing on revenue-generating tasks, stop doing it.

It wasn't until I finally accepted this simple reality that I started releasing my need for control.Your time is too valuable to waste doing things you don't like, aren't good at or take you away from the big picture. It's important to find someone to fill in the gaps and bring in the talent that you don't have.

And remember -- it's okay to have limits and dislikes. Trying to be and do it all is a faulty mindset and will prevent any real success.I wish someone would have taught me this sooner because during the first year in business, I faced more struggles, burnout and frustration that I needed to. The road could have been much, much smoother.Control is fed by fear.Fear of failure. Fear of being taken advantage of. Fear of being judged.

And worst of all … fear of not fully realizing your goal and living with regret later on.Control is fueled by fear and fear will keep you down.

If you're a control freak and want to break free from this damaging mindset so you can fly higher and faster, try this short exercise.

Write down three things that you love and/or excel at and three things that you don't excel at, have any interest in or that take you away from building your business – then, look for people to fill those gaps.Fear is just a state of mind. A belief so strongly imbedded that it interferes with growth, happiness and taking constructive action.

The best control to have is control over your fears and actions. So, give it a go. Loosen your grip on the reigns and let others help you create your success. Home-based business is a team sport, not a one-person marathon.

2006 © Laurie Hayes - The HBB Source

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