Nowadays we hear about so many programs out there that will tell you how you can make money from home or how it is possible to make an easy living from the internet. How many times recently have we seen those ads that pop up on our screen that resembles a newspaper article,

making claims how Google will pay you handsomely for creating links ?
Well it's unfortunate that thousands of people who are looking for ways to make extra income in this tough economy get scammed and lose what little they have in hopes of creating a successful home based business. The problem is that the information given in these programs are so generic and in many cases no longer effective that it is virtually impossible to make any sort of money online following their examples.
The way to make money from any business is to fulfill a need that is in high demand and then you need to be able to find a way to exploit this. Of course that is easier said than done, especially with the internet.
So what am I talking about then?
As an internet marketer and online publisher, a big part of the job is to write articles with targeted keywords to submit to articles directories and to make posts on my websites in order to drive traffic and hopefully make money. Now it requires in some cases, literally hundreds of articles submitted to article directories and just as many pages with good quality content on my sites to bring in that coveted traffic.
Now lets face it, internet marketing relying on organic search results can take months before any real money starts to come in.
I was unemployed at the time and after a few months trying to "make" it online and not really seeing the results I wanted, I was starting to feel the pinch. I was also starting to get pretty discouraged. I certainly didn't want to go back into the 9-5 daily grind again.
This is when it hit me. Here is the part you have been waiting for.
Did you know that there are literally thousands of internet marketers who need articles written for them ?
When I was starting out with my first sites, my goal was to make enough money online to be able to afford a good ghost writer to take care of the most difficult and time consuming part of the job. Believe me, it is really difficult to get a good writer for a reasonable price.
Now as I said, I was short on cash and needed to make some quick money somehow. So I decided as a short term way of making extra cash, was to start offering my services as a ghost writer to other internet marketers.
I made an extra $1000.00 in my first month doing this.
All I did was advertise for myself in the internet marketing forums. I simply created a post in the "For Hire" or "Special Offers" sections in all the most popular internet marketing forums I could find.
I couldn't believe the response I got! Within about a week I had too much work! I had to turn down requests because I was swamped. I simply created a Pay Pal account and charged 10.00 per article. I was writing up to 8-10 articles a day in some cases. So as you can see, I was actually starting to make money working from home using the internet. I would have never thought I would be making money this way.
The message here is that you can do it too. All you really need is a very good command of the English language. You don't even have to know anything about the topic either. All you have to do when a client gives you some keywords to write articles about, is to do a Google search for that keyword and grab articles that are already written on the topic. Then you simply re spin them in your own words and that's it. Believe me it is really not that hard.
Now I don't do this as much since I am finally able to make a decent passive income online, but this is what helped me bridge the gap when I needed to. Unless you absolutely love writing, you can do this on and off, or on your spare time to make some extra cash. As long as you do a good job , you will have repeat customers.
I can't think of another legitimate way to make some quick money online as offering your services as a ghost writer.