This article is about how and why you should replace your windows.
Shopping for replacement windows can be a prospect as daunting as shoe shopping with a woman; aggravating,

exhausting and endless. With that in mind, why should you replace your windows? Windows are beautiful portals through which we can watch the world, but they are glass, and are prone to breaking due to age, stress, and physical violence. When window glass breaks or becomes ineffectual, it is time to buy the dreaded new windows.
It seems obvious that one would need to replace a window that has been broken, but there are all sorts of issues that are less obvious that make replacement windows just as important. Structural issues and efficiency are both good reasons to get new windows. On the other, less practical, side of the coin, aesthetics are also a reason some people choose to replace windows & even a glass door.
Structural issues can range from cracking frames to a failure of the caulking. Though neither issue is immediately dangerous, they can turn into dangerous situations fairly quickly. Cracking frames can cause the glass to fall out of the frame with the slightest provocation, as can failure of the caulking which holds the window to the home. Both problems can also admit moisture, which can create toxic molds and fungus as well as allowing bugs to enter your home.
Efficiency is probably one of the modern consumer's biggest concerns. How do I make my home more energy efficient and lower my cooling and heating bills? One of the quickest, and least expensive, ways to do so is to replace old windows with newer ones. New windows are built with internal chambers and double panes in order to be better insulators than their predecessors. The frames too, are different; vinyl having replaced the traditional wood. Vinyl frames are resistant to the shrinking and expansion that plagues wooden frames and makes them less efficient.
Aesthetic, or cosmetic, reasons to replace windows are generally personal taste issues. It could be something as small as the frame color does not match the paint on the wall, or it could be something like the big picture window is broken up into individual panes of glass and it needs to be one big pane in order to be aesthetically pleasing.
It should be noted as well, that along with the above mentioned reasons to replace a window, there is another. The value of a home goes up drastically with new, beautiful and energy efficient windows. Replacing the old ones is one way to increase the appraisal value of a home you are trying to sell.
Once the decision has been made to replace the windows it is merely a choice of where to buy them. Financial issues, more than anything else, will likely dictate the choice of window manufacturer. Large, nation-wide retailers like The Home Depot offer windows, as well as windows installation, as one of their services. Their choices, though, tend to be a little more limited than a local window company.
Local companies are usually the best bet, as they typically offer incentives. For instance, most manufacturers will offer a discount for the larger purchases, making replacing more than one window cheaper than doing it one at a time. Installation is also normally included in the price. Service tends to be better, also, since the smaller businesses really need your patronage. In addition, since replacement windows tend to be expensive, most manufacturers offer financing options for those who cannot come up with the necessary cash out of pocket.
The reasons to replace a window are as widely varied as the people choosing to do so. Whether it is due to structural, efficiency or cosmetic issues, replacing a window can be the best thing you can do for your home. Windows are an important part of any house. They let in light and add beauty and a sense of openness to even the smallest room. If your windows are old, yellowed, scratched, cracking, or are no longer efficient, it is time to replace them with new home windows.