You Want To Know How? ... This Is How! By Ken Leonard Jr. ©2002 KLJ Online You know, starting an online home business is all about ... It never ends, if you do it right. Things change,
You Want To Know How? ... This Is How!
By Ken Leonard Jr.
©2002 KLJ Online
You know, starting an online home business is all about
learning. It never ends, if you do it right. Things change,
new and innovative ideas appear that replace old ones. You
better get used to this now, if you want long-term success
on the internet.
Have you downloaded free ebooks, then never read them? Worse,
have you PAID for information-packed ebooks, and never read
them? This situation is more common than you would think. I'm
sure you've heard the statistic that 95% of online businesses
fail, right? Well, how much you want to bet that those 95% did
exactly that. They didn't put in the time to learn. How did
they expect to succeed? Or even get started?
You have to enjoy learning new things to succeed at business.
It has to be FUN for you. Don't kid yourself. If learning new
ideas is not fun, maybe an online business is not for you. It's
not for everyone, you know. It takes a willingness to learn,
and thick skin. You have to roll with the punches, and not
give up.
If you're not willing to learn what it takes to do business on
the web, the competition will eat you alive. It all starts with
reading that ebook. Not by asking someone else to read it, and
having them tell you what it said.
If you want to use a service where virtually everything is done
for you, and you're not interested in the actual hows and whys
of your business, then you may be able to get away with little
knowledge. But that's no way to run a business.
In either case, to succeed, you have to be willing to work hard.
Don't expect your online business to magically appear at your
doorstep one day. All you'll find is a newspaper and the cat.
Are YOU Right For A Home-Based Business?
The internet is loaded with all sorts of ways for you to work from home. You will consider many options, finding the right fit for your ... and goals. But first, you have to take a look at yThe List Is The Thing
Many ... begin their online sales ventures with the wrong strategy to build long term success. Thinking that a website is the core of their business leads them to focus on getting website visitHow To Prioritize And Grow Your Home-Based Business
"How To ... And Grow Your ... ... By Ken Leonard, Jr. ©2002 KLJ Online Life is all about making choices, and setting ... You have made a choice to get away from the