A Plumber Has an Important Job
The job of a plumber is just as significant and beneficial as the professions that are usually highly esteemed by society.
There are some in society who see certain jobs and career paths as being nobler than others. For instance,

they see doctors, lawyers and even teachers as having a highly important job. Little do some know, however, a plumber performs tasks just as important and beneficial. The main duty of a plumber is to repair and install pipes that are used to transport water and waste.
First of all, a plumber is usually the one who decides where pipes should be laid when a new home is being built. They also install the pipes. Some of these professionals are also responsible for gas lines. This is extremely vital because if the gas lines are not dealt with properly, there could be potential for gas leaks. Although death may not be caused by actually inhaling the gas, this occurrence could still cause danger, such as fires and explosions. That's because the leaks are extremely combustible. Because there's no way for you to truly know when a fire or explosion can occur, there's no way to really protect yourself or your family members from it. That's why it's imperative that you hire a professional skilled in their work. If not, you could be asking for danger.
Imagine if everyone in your home was upstairs sleeping soundly one night. A fire started because of a gas leak and for some reason your fire alarm system decided not to work. So, no one is aware of what is going on. Because the fire starts on the first floor, no one notices it nor do they notice the smoke, until it's too late. This could be a potentially tragic situation. However, all of this could be prevented by a skilled plumber.
On the other hand a gas leak may not cause death, but it can cause extensive damage to your home, in general. That's because even if an explosion, for instance, occurs away from everyone, you would still have to deal with the possibility of having to redo a room or an entire area of your home, depending on where the explosion occurs. This can be extremely costly. If you don't have tens of thousands of dollars just lying around, this could further complicate the situation. Even if you do have the money in a savings account, for instance, there's a good chance you would rather spend it on something else.
All of the aforementioned examples show why the job of a plumber is so important. It also shows how everyone, no matter what job they do, plays an important role in society. Therefore, no one should be looked down upon because of their job title. Just like a doctor, surgeon or even a police officer, these professionals can also help to save lives.