The Cost of Powering Your Home With Free Electricity

Jun 22


Robert Gillespie

Robert Gillespie

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At first blush, supplying free energy to power your entire home soundslike a dream come true. That is, until you realize the costs involved. Fortunately, there are now alternatives to solar and wind as ways to generate free electrical power.


An authentic,The Cost of Powering Your Home With Free Electricity Articles free energy device is something that produces more electricity than it uses. I would further argue that when the costs of initial acquisition, installation and upkeep of a free energy system are so high that they have to be spread out over many years until they have been justified by utility bill savings; such devices are not really “free.” Let’s look at a few of the devices that are now available to observe how they compare to one another.

Solar Electric

Although the price tag of solar panels is slowly being reduced, they are still expensive even if you discover how to make them by yourself. If all you needed was the panels alone, possibly this price could be justified. Unfortunately, there is much more to a solar installation than just the panels. To completely power a small house, you would require at least 3000 watts of energy being delivered by the panels when linked together. If you use one hundred watt panels, you would be required to pay for 30 panels at nearly two hundred fifty dollars each equating to a total expense of 7500 dollars for the panels alone.

For a bigger house, you might need forty panels ($10,000) or fifty panels ($12,500). After you add in labor costs, inverters, wiring, electrical junction boxes, circuit breakers, permitting fees, a battery shed and solar batteries, you can easily see your total outlay rising past 30 to 40 thousand dollars before you enjoy your first watt of free electricity. PV panels last a long time (20 to 30 years) but good solar batteries last no more than 10 to 12 years and then need to be replaced. My solar battery bank is at the end of its expected lifetime and I have just been told that the replacement outlay will be around fourteen thousand dollars due to the rapidly rising costs of lead! Ouch!

Taking into account where you reside, solar electrical current could not even be doable. While solar might be a good idea in Miami, Florida, it more than likely would not be in Seattle, Washington. Solar will work to some degree on overcast days but you will have to take into account the expected number of cloudy days in a year to find out how many extra solar panels will be needed to keep your batteries charged as opposed to the number necessary in a sunnier location.

Wind Energy

Wind energy necessitates having to buy a wind turbine and, in most cases, a tower to raise the turbine up into the wind stream. Mounting a wind turbine on your roof is a bad idea unless you love extreme noise and vibration. Again, like solar, you have to have a battery bank, battery shed, inverters, wiring and installation and so you will see a lot of dollars fly out the window before the power goes on.

Unlike solar panels, wind turbines don’t have a very long useful life because of their constantly-moving internal parts. There are also corrosion factors to look at especially if you reside near the sea due to the effects of salt air on the metal parts. Again, wind power generation may perhaps not be a good idea unless you live in a location with dependably invariable wind conditions with adequate but not excessive wind speeds.

The Tesla Cosmic Energy Generator

Nikola Tesla was an inventor of the early 20th century who was way ahead of his time. If there was a challenge associated with electricity or electrical power generation, Tesla always seemed to have a unique solution. However, he was suppressed by the powerful industrial giants of his time who did not want to allow his ideas to take hold because they would cut into their very profitable, existing enterprises. One of his copious inventions that survive today is his electrical generator design that takes advantage of the existing electrical power of the cosmic rays that surround the planet.

With these cosmic rays acting as one side of the electrical circuit and the earth, itself, as the other, electricity can be produced with zero moving parts. A miniature, proof-of-concept device can be built from a few dollars of parts from your local Radio Shack® store. This tiny device will only produce enough electricity to power a cell phone charger. However, using the same concept, a device substantial enough to power a whole house can be built inexpensively from commonly-available plans. To date, you will not discover such a device being made and widely available but you can easily construct your own device by following the detailed information and drawings accurately.

The Permanent Magnet Electrical Generator

This device is, in fact, a perpetual motion machine which we all learned in school cannot exist. The only problem with that theory is that hundreds, if not thousands, of these generators have already been fabricated and are operating just fine, thank you. A little proof-of-concept permanent magnet generator can be created from about 100 dollars worth of parts that you can get at your local Home Depot® store. A larger generator (enough to provide power to a small house) can be created for slightly more money. A large house might require 2 of these devices operating in parallel.

A permanent magnet electrical generator is similar to an ordinary electrical generator. The difference is that the motor powering the generator, instead of consuming petroleum fuels, functions on the power of permanent magnets alone. You most likely have learned that when you connect electricity into a typical electrical motor, it will start to turn and when you spin the shaft of such a motor with another motor, it will generate electricity. The permanent magnet electrical generator requires no amount of external power to work. The little amount of electric power that it does require represents just about 1/5 of what it is producing, so 4/5 is available as absolutely free energy. A device that makes just the power it uses to run (and no more) is said to be functioning at “unity.” An apparatus that generates more that it needs to work is said to be operating at “over-unity.”

The permanent magnet electrical generator and the Tesla cosmic ray generator both create free energy without consuming fossil fuels or electrical power from the electric company. They will operate indoors perfectly in just about any climate, day and night, continuously and they produce no exhaust, fumes or other toxic vapors so they can be safely positioned inside a house or apartment. The only drawback is that you, at this time, need to build them yourself from available and inexpensive plans.

It’s not too hard for me to figure out what my next “free energy” system will be. There are only 2 systems that make any financial sense and they are not solar or wind.

© 2011 Robert M. Gillespie, Jr.