A Refrigerator Repair Can Get You Up and Running Again
Today's refrigerators are not complex but they are far advanced from the early ice box model and a diagnosis of a coolant problem is best left to a repair tech.
There are a lot of things that were meant to be disposable or have a short life span. Cell phones,
mp3 players and desktop computers are a few things that consumers understand won't last the lifetime of the user, no matter how much they cost. And since these items can cost as much to repair as they would cost to simply replace, they are considered disposable. But major appliances such as refrigerators and stoves are not considered disposable and when they break down it is worth the expense to have them repaired verses having them replaced.
Your fridge is a pretty simple device when it comes down to it. It is only designed with one purpose in mind and that is to keep your food inside cold. Despite this simple one purpose design refrigerators can experience problems and there is usually more than one reason behind a break down.
The first home versions of today's fridge were even more basic than today's model and when it quit working there wasn't a mystery about why. Early fridges were referred to as an ice box because it was just a metal box that held a block of ice inside much like today's version of an ice chest for camping trips. If the food inside the ice box wasn't keeping cool it could only be due to one thing - the ice block had melted.
This simplistic model of course had its major disadvantages including the fact that the ice block had to be constantly replaced to keep things cool and it could only keep things so cold with its limited source of coolant power. Very few people would actually want to live long term out of an ice chest with its lukewarm cooling power and the constant leakage of its coolant source melting away.
Despite the advantages of today's electrical model- no ice block required - things can go wrong. When a refrigerator repair is called for it is usually because the unit is not keeping the contents cold. And unlike earlier repairs that were easy to diagnosis the warm fridge of today can be credited with a variety of root causes.
If you open your freezer and it looks like a model version of Alaska complete with polar ice caps, your refrigerator repair problem could be traced to a defrost issues. The ice buildup in your freezer unit can impact the cold air return to your fridge section and keep the cold air from circulating through your unit.
If you don't have a freezer buildup of ice in your freezer, your refrigerator repair problem can be traced to a fan motor or compression malfunction or even buildup of dirt and dust on your fan unit.
Because your refrigerator is more complex than an ice box, the ultimate diagnose and repair is best left to a repair tech that understands the complexities of your refrigerator repair and can get your unit up and running again and save you the cost of a costly replacement.