When it’s Time for an AC Repair Don’t Delay

Oct 21


Anna Woodward

Anna Woodward

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Surviving the summer heat is possible but only if you have a properly running ac unit. If your unit doesn’t work right get it repaired before the next heat wave hits.

Preparation is the key to surviving any anticipated problem or challenge and your odds of being prepared for another unpredictable summer like the last one increase significantly if you address an inadequate or broken air conditioning unit that needs an ac repair job before it becomes a summer time emergency.

Experts warn that many people who were hospitalized for heat related illnesses during the 2011 heat wave tried to cool down with just box fans which don’t remove the humidity that goes along with the high temperatures. 

Most experts would agree that an air conditioning unit is not just a luxury it’s a vital aspect for surviving the heat. If your air conditioning unit didn’t keep up with keeping your home humidity free and cool don’t blame it on the high temperatures outside. How hot it is outside shouldn’t affect how cool your home is inside if your unit is working correctly and this may be an indicator that you need to have your ac repair tech take a look at your struggling unit.

Global warming is credited or blamed- with creating many of the climate changes across the world and some of those climate changes likely affect you and where you live. Even geographical areas that did not traditionally get heat waves have experienced them recently and the toll on human lives has been dramatic. The summer of 2011 was considered by many to be particularly brutal with 141 million Americans placed under a heat advisory warning by the National Weather Service as 17 states reached temperatures above the one hundred degree mark. 

If you lived in one of these states that saw temperatures soar to unprecedented heights you probably know firsthand that the biggest danger to the heat was being unprepared for it. The death toll due to the heat was highest for groups that were considered high risk including the elderly; young children or people with have compromised health problems. If your air conditioning didn’t keep up with the heat last summer or just plain gave out it- this is the perfect time to have your ac repair job done and be better prepared for the unexpected climate changes that next summer may bring. 

An ac repair may be in order if your cooling unit struggled to keep up against the heat or failed to remove the humidity inside your home which can make your home dangerously hot. A properly working air conditioning unit should make your home cool without making the air inside feel wet or moist by removing the moisture as it cools the air. An ac repair can trouble shoot your unit and help diagnosis other potential problems including freezing up or leaking water. 

Be prepared for the upcoming season and unpredictable climate changes that you may be facing by having your air conditioning unit fixed before you anticipate using it and you should be one of the lucky ones who can weather the hot dog days of summer without feeling the harsh effects of the heat.