Fascia boards are very essential as they are useful and necessary for moisture prevention to the roofline. But there are instances when fascia boards are difficult to maintain if you never know the basic in installation or just being careless. It is not advisable then to install it as cap covers,

meaning, it was just a cap that is placed over an existing timber, for this will cause the timber to sweat and hasten its rotting. If your fascia has been screwed, this will not be good in the long run because dry rot will consume your entire roof. What is then the advisable fascia board installation? It must require the removal of the existing rotten and damaged boards and after these, install the newly furnished fascia boards.
There are boards that do not require painting. They are appealing to look at barely unpainted because they are made with colored material such as vinyl. In cases that you have decided to use wooden fascias, it is necessary to re-paint them every 3 to 5 years to maintain its quality appearance and to make sure they are always kept safe from moisture and weather changes.Painting fascia boards are easy and require a little effort. You just need a paint brush, paint roller, paint primer and tape.Instructions:
l Step 1: If you want your fascia boards to look more attractive, choose two different colors, one should be compatible with the primary shade of your house for your roof to be in the same theme as the house’. Since the fascia is too close to the gutter, some people have the option to paint them with the same color as the drain channels for it to be in better harmony.
l Step 2: In order to protect the wood and to make sure that the paint will stick adhesively, paint all the surfaces first with paint primer and let it dry for at least 1 day. Please take note that some fascia boards have been already primed, make sure you have asked your supplier beforehand.
l Step 3: Tape off the fascia boards, it will be helpful because you’re painting first the color that covers the largest area.
l Step 4: For shorter boards, it is necessary to apply the paint using a small paintbrush to avoid scatter. For newly purchased fascia boards, don’t forget to paint them outside for enough ventilating system.
l Allow 1 to 2 days for the paint to dry before starting to tape off the edges and apply the second color. A hand brush is better when doing the undersides and ends of the boards. Applying a second coat will be advisable before you start installing the boards.
l Every 4 to 5 years, consider repainting your fascia boards for them to stay longer. Remember, you don’t need to re-prime them. Re-priming is done only if painting a new fascia. Cut a female screw thread with a tap on the ends of the fascia boards before painting. Consider replacing it if the ends of the fascia boards are mushy because that is the sign that it is beginning to rot.