Bed Bugs are Uninvited Guests
Bed bugs have been alive and well in folklore and in reality for centuries, and while few people actually see them, they can most certainly show up in your home if you don’t prevent against them.
While the popular old saying says “sleep tight and don’t let the bed bugs bite,” it’s safe to say that many people never thought they would encounter this kind of bug in their own home. Recent breakouts have changed everyone’s mind about that.
If you were bitten by bed bugs you would know it,

because they are extremely unpleasant and repulsive creatures. Parasites by nature, they actually feed on human blood and not only leave their feces behind on the host they feed off, they also leave itchy and unsightly rashes on the skin of humans as evidence of their bites.
For those who have never seen one, the bug itself is light brown and circular in shape. They are typically less than a centimeter in length and can be difficult to spot because of their diminished size. Beyond that, a younger bug is so light in color that it may not be seen at all until it becomes darker brown in color as it matures.
Bed bugs can be attracted into the home by its warmth. Once there, it can recognize humans as a possible food source. Somewhat nocturnal, they are most active at night, which makes them more difficult to be spotted. Because of this, they largely go unnoticed despite sometimes attaching themselves to humans and extracting blood for as much as 10 minutes at a time.
After detaching itself from its host, the bug’s bite can leave behind a welt-like spot that can develop into a widespread rash, especially when multiple bites occur in one area. These spots are often itchy and uncomfortable and can requite antibiotics or topical medicine to quell the symptoms and heal the area.
In some rare cases, psychological effects can also result from these bites. Developing ongoing issues such as trouble sleeping, bad nerves and undue stress can be the result of these bites. Similarly, their noticeable and unsightly appearance can lead to issues with self-consciousness over one’s appearance following an outbreak.
Other more serious and rare complications ranging from infections to the triggering of existing conditions such as seizures and asthma attacks can occur in isolated instances. Similarly, various pathogens or other materials that may be carried or transmitted by the bug can potentially lead to further complications or difficulties depending on the individual medical history of a given person.
Often the most troubling aspect of potentially having bed bugs in one’s home is the difficulty in which the infestation can be identified, found and eradicated. This makes it extremely important to pay close attention to possible signs of their presence in a home or the after-effects of their bites on a person. If evidence of their presence is found, it is necessary to contact an exterminator immediately to have them removed.