Bird Feeder Varieties and Styles to Suit Your Backyard Visitors
A basic bird feeder is a great way to attract these interesting animals to your home. There is, however, a lot more variety in bird feeders than you m...
A basic bird feeder is a great way to attract these interesting animals to your home. There is,

however, a lot more variety in bird feeders than you might think. By choosing a feeder that fits your needs and taste, you can have a stylish addition to your home’s exterior that brings in the types of birds you love. Part of the fun in a basic feeder is the process of building it from scratch, but the top notch feeders must be purchased. If you are interested in more than your garden variety feeder, try looking online for more options. Online stores make it easy to browse pictures of hundreds of feeders in a matter of minutes so that you can quickly find the perfect choice and have it shipped right to your door.
Feeders classified as classic or unique are generally at the top in terms of elegance and decorative beauty. They leave it to the owner to encourage certain birds by choosing the correct feed. These items are often made of glass, copper, or terra cotta. Some incorporate statues into their design that look great with traditionally styled homes. These feeders are best set near your home in order to better complement your present decor.
If you want to attract a certain family of birds, hummingbirds make an excellent choice. Their small size and quick movements, along with their ability to hover in midair make them a joy to observe. Hummingbirds are also interesting in that they prefer a specific type of feeder that releases a liquid sugar solution. There are many possible designs, but most include a lot of red in order to titillate the hummingbirds’ senses. Hummingbird feeders are simple to clean and refill, which is a convenience for everyone but makes them especially good as a gift for a beginner birdwatcher.
Caution must be exercised, however, because other forms of life find sugar water very appealing and the feeder must be kept clean. Depending on the position of the feeder, ants may become problematic. A trickier problem, however, is that yeast likes to grow in these feeders. This can be harmful to the birds, so clean your hummingbird feeder regularly. The birds won’t mind taking a break from the delicious fake nectar; they need insects and spiders to complete their diet anyway.
A great idea that has grown in popularity is the window mounted feeder. This brings the birds in nice and close, which is especially fun for children. Of course, it can also mean torture to the family cat! These feeders come in standard feed and nectar varieties as well as a number of different styles.
Squirrels are a notorious bird feeder pest because they are so adept at finding their way to the seeds. Nothing empties a feeder as quickly as a group of squirrels intent on adding seed to their hoard. If these critters are a concern in your location, there are a number of options at your disposal. Sometimes, clever placement of the feeder is enough to save the day. Many people prefer feeders designed to stop squirrels. Sometimes a caged feeder is all that is needed to keep large squirrels out, though smaller varieties can still cause trouble. Other squirrel proof feeders have a collapsing mechanism that tips down when anything heavier than a bird steps aboard.
If you are looking for a bird feeder this season, browse online to find the best feeders at the best prices. You won’t regret taking the time to survey your options before making a purchase. Remember to keep your new feeder clean and enjoy watching your feathered friends feast!