Carpet Cleaning Tips When You Have Pets
Pets are without doubt precious and having them in the house can be a boost to the atmosphere, but regardless how hard you try, they’ll still cause yo...
Pets are without doubt precious and having them in the house can be a boost to the atmosphere,

but regardless how hard you try, they’ll still cause you some grievous headaches over time. Let’s have a look at some carpet cleaning tips. You spent a couple of hundred dollars on potty training for your dog and he all the same likes to urinate on your expensive carpet?Don’t worry; this is usual in every household that has a pet. Irrespective of the training it got, a pet is a pet and when he’ll need to go, he’ll go right on the spot.Therefore from now on, make cleaning pet urine with carpet cleaning tips a priority, as it’s among the few areas where tidying up is actually more effective than helping avoid the phenomenon.No matter if it’s your dog, cat or hamster that did the deed, pet urine is highly obnoxious as it has a hefty odor and leaves a visible amber spot on the carpet. Removing the odor will be talked about below, so let’s see how you are able to remove pet urine stains from carpets using baking soda and white vinegar.With baking soda, you need to make certain the stain is dried first off. So get a clean towel or some paper and push it down against the carpet, soaking up the liquid as thoroughly as possible. This will greatly cut down the damage the urine will have on the carpet, so the quicker you’re able to dry it out, the better.Now moisten the area with some clean water and dust the baking soda over the area, letting it dry (occasionally several hours are needed, so you may want to leave it overnight). Finally, vacuum to remove the dust produced by the baking soda and your stain should be broken down.If you would like to apply vinegar to clean out the stain, mix one-half a cup with ¼ cup of warm water and pour the mixture over the area. Use a dry towel on top of it and put a dense object on top of it to hold pressure. You’ll need to keep it there for a few hours, so if you want to be on the safe side, you may want to leave it there overnight.Then take away the towel and apply a soft hairbrush to clean the carpet off, if required.Removing pet odors has 2 different areas, finding the root of the odor and getting rid of it. Sometimes, you’ll smell the problem but you won’t be able to see it well. It’s either because it's in some corner of the house you can’t get to, or because the smell got so saturated in the carpet that it’s now unseeable.To detect such pet urine stains, you can use a black UV light that will nail the exact source of the odor. Pet urine stains should glow.If the smell has been dealt with but you nevertheless can’t get that nasty stain off the carpet, you can make a homemade shampoo to deal with the issue. There are sites on the net where you can find carpet cleaning tips and recipes to make your own homemade shampoo and carpet cleaning solution.