Carpet Maintenance Tips
If you want your carpets to last a long time, then you will need to maintain them properly. Here are a few tips to that end.
Do you want your carpets to last a long time? If you do,

then you will need to maintain them properly. Here are a few tips to that end.
Everyone should already know that vacuuming the carpet is one of the most important aspects of maintenance. Without vacuuming, dirt will accumulate on the carpet fibers. As members of the household walk around on the carpet, the fibers will become worn down very quickly. This will leave your carpet looking very dull.
Vacuuming your carpet as much as possible will help keep it looking new. You should set aside time in your schedule to do so every week. Areas of heavy traffic like the hallway, stairs, and entrance points will need to be vacuumed every other day or so.
Nothing can damage your carpet more than a spill of some sort. It is very important that you act quickly whenever a spill occurs. If you allow it to set in, you will have a much harder time cleaning it up. Get your hands on some white paper towels and try to blot the spill up as much as you can. Don't rub the stain too aggressively or you will make the problem even worse.
If you try to apply some sort of liquid cleaner to the spill before blotting it with a white paper towel, you will only make the stain grow in size. It is best to use hot water initially which acts to dilute the stain. Baking soda can help get out many different types of stains too. Of course, there are many different household cleaners on the market to help get stains out of your carpet. Before you use one of these cleaners, tested it out in an inconspicuous place.
It is best that you avoid ever letting your carpet get wet. If it gets soaked, then it can really lead to problems. Your carpet can easily become discolored when wet. Also, mold is a common issue with wet carpets.
Even if you brush your teeth on a daily basis, you will need to see a dentist for a professional cleaning every so often. The same holds true when it comes to carpet maintenance. Most homeowners only have a vacuum cleaner; they don't have equipment that will really clean their carpet thoroughly.
Renting a professional carpet cleaning machine is a good idea. However, hiring a true professional to come in and clean your carpet is still a better idea. It can be a time-consuming task that you may not have the time to complete like you should even if you rent equipment yourself.