The old saying is, "You get what you pay for." Often, that is exactly true. Not necessarily with home security. Learn effective measures that are yes, cheap, ways to enhance your home's security.
Many people think that cheap home security is an impossibility. They feel excluded from the privilege of having a sense of security and peace of mind that their property,
possessions, and family are safe. Such thinking is absolutely unnecessary. Many options are available that are very low cost and some of them are essentially free.
Burglar Deterrents
Several steps can be taken that will deter burglars from ever considering your home as a target.
* Keep your home well lit. You may be thinking about the cost of electricity, but
burglars obviously prefer darkness and seclusion. Leaving some lights on may
cost a few more pennies, but could keep you from loosing your valuables…and
your peace of mind.
* Someone at home. We know you cannot be at home all the time, but you can
give the appearance of someone at home. Lights and appliances (like the TV)
can be set on timers that can turn them on and off automatically.
* A dog. A dog can serve as a kind of natural alarm system. Its bark is a kind of
siren. You may not want to have a dog just for this purpose (there are costs and
responsibility with pet ownership). But, if you are thinking about it anyway…
* Well-maintained property. Overgrown landscaping can play right into a
burglar’s hands. They are looking for seclusion (hiding places). Trimmed
shrubs and bushes cut down on the hiding spots. Also, keep things picked up
around your yard. Things like gardening tools and other similar objects can
become tools in a burglar’s hands to gain entrance into your home.
* Lock your doors and windows. This may sound so obvious, but it is amazing
how many people don’t go to the “hassle” of locking their doors and windows.
It is so simple and easy and may be your best defense.
Home Security Systems
Not all security systems are created equal. Neither do they cost the same. Within the ever-advancing field of wireless technology, home security systems is one area that has greatly benefited.
* Wireless security system. Wireless systems have brought the cost of home
security down significantly. Many such systems can be installed by an average
do-it-yourselfer. The overall system itself is typically much less expensive.
You can also have more options as to the range of features chosen (from “bare
bones” to an elaborate system with many peripherals). Obviously, cost varies
with features.
* Fake security. The presence of a security system is known to reduce break-ins
significantly. How about the appearance of the presence of an alarm system?
This goes along with making it look like someone is at home when they are not.
This is making it look like you have a fancy security system when you don’t.
Remember, burglars are usually in a hurry and working in the dark. The ruse
does not have to be elaborate. Face security cameras are available. One might
acquire fake window stickers and yard signs such as provided by monitored
security systems.