Choosing a Good Plumber Is Crucial
A plumber is someone you want to rely on. Be very careful as you choose your repairman. If they're not competent, they will only make the problem worse.
Your toilet is overflowing. There's a leak somewhere in your sink and water is spilling onto your floor. Something's wrong with your bathtub and puddles keep forming under the claw feet. Every time your washer hits the rinse cycle,

water cascades out of the top and floods the entire laundry room. You have a serious problem.
Time to call in the superhero squad? Nah, it's just time to call a plumber. Not sure who to call? Well, there are some basic tips and steps to take into account before you pick up the phone and start dialing.
First, you want to talk to a homeowner acquaintance or friend who has had plumbing problems of his or her own. They can recommend someone or tell you the pros and cons of the plumber they themselves use. Sometimes, they can even tell you the plumbers from hell that you want to avoid. This can be very good and help you to steer clear of future plumbing issues that will make the problems you already have look like common rainstorms rather than Noah's Flood. If you know a builder or contractor, you can also ask them to recommend a plumber; many contractors have already set up relationships with people they trust and will be happy to send them new customers. Another option for recommendations is the real estate agent who sold you your house. They will want to keep you happy and will be more than willing to point you in the right direction.
You will want to be wary of leaving your home address, phone number, or name on the answering machine. Most plumbing companies have receptionists if they're reputable and have been in the business a long time or they will answer their phones themselves. It's always better to be safe than sorry. Once you've reached him, make sure and get his license number before you hang up. You might think this is nosy or overcautious but you want to make sure you are getting someone who is reputable in his field. The mantra "better safe than sorry" will work here as well.
Always, always, always, get a quote or bid before you sign anything or give the go-ahead. Most plumbers can estimate how much a job is going to cost before they get started and it's always a good idea to know how much you're getting yourself in for, especially if there is a chance you won't be able to afford above a certain price line. Consider if the plumber has a service warranty. If he's going to be fixing your pipes, you want to make sure that if something happens, he'll be around to fix that problem, too. Plus, you might be able to get a partial refund or money towards your next repair if something goes wrong.
Be very careful in your selection process. Having water everywhere is not as bad as a plumber who doesn't fix the problem but merely creates a bigger one.