Choosing Bathtub Refinishing Kits That Work for You
Simply using the bathtub refinishing kits off of the shelf could be a mistake. Although there are a good starting point, you would want to make sure that you upgrade them, at least a little.
The majority of people that want to do a little upgrading of the bathroom will hire a professional to come and and refinish the tub. There may be times,

however, when somebody enjoys doing some of this work on their own and there certainly are a lot of bathtub refinishing kits that are available on the market that will help you to do so. Although you will not be able to get as professional of a job as what you would if you had someone come in to paint it, it certainly is possible for you to have a job that you will be proud of. The first step in any bathtub remodeling job is choosing the kit that you are going to use. There are several of them are available on the market that I would recommend, but it really all depends on how much extra you want to add to the kits. None of the kits that you are going to purchase would be what I would consider to be all-inclusive, and there are going to be some tools and chemicals that you may need in order to make them work well. If you simply use one of these bathtub refinishing kits right out of the box, more than likely you're going to run into problems down the road. The reason why this is the case is because most of these kits are not going to put enough equipment and chemicals in for you to do an excellent job of preparing the tub for a new coat of paint. Some of them may include cleaning agents and others may include bonding agents but more than likely, you're going to want to upgrade some of these to a professional level. For example, if you have to fill in any imperfections, you would want to make sure that you are using a professional grade filler and not one that was simply picked up off of the shelf, like Bondo. Having this filler come loose after a few months is going to ruin the entire job, so make sure that you don't use anything inferior. One of the problems that I see with most bathtub refinishing kits it is that they don't give you the proper chemicals in order to prepare the old finish for the new finish. A good example of this is a professional grade acid wash which will rough up and pit the old surface so that it will be ready for the new surface to adhere to it. You also want to make sure that any airborne contaminants are removed from the tub before repainting it, as this could cause serious problems with blistering and peeling. If you're going to do the bathtub remodeling on your own, by all means make sure that you look at the bathtub refinishing kits that are available. Make sure, however, that you are not limiting yourself to only the things that are included in these kits. Use them as a good starting point and then expand on them in order to do a professional job on your own.