Choosing Your Bedding
Sanderson bedding is the best when you choose your bedding.
As human beings,
we require around 8 hours per day of sleep. This means that a third of our life is actually spent in bed. Over the average lifespan this equates to literally spending over 25 years in bed.
The statistic is shocking; such a huge proportion of our lives are spent in bed. Therefore it is really quite surprising that so many people simply purchase their bedding without even giving it a second thought. Although it can be argued that times are tough and sometimes it is easier to simply go with the cheapest option, I would personally argue that is it really worth trying to save a few pounds on something that absorbs so much time out of your life?
The most important thing to take into account when purchasing new bedding is most certainly comfort. If you are going to spend 25 years of your life using something then you want to make sure that it is something that is pleasurable and comfortable. It is also true that the better you sleep, the less you need of it. So buying comfortable bedding can even save you time!
One great type of bedding is Sanderson bedding. The best thing about thing Sanderson bedding is that it is woven from easy-care cotton with extremely high thread counts.
Thread counts are a simple indication of the quality and durability of a fabric and in general, the higher the thread count, the higher the quality. Good quality fabric isn’t just about durability and how long the sheets will actually last, it is also about how comfortable and soft on the skin it will be. In general, the higher the thread count the better it will feel on your skin; and we all know it is much easier and rewarding to sleep on something soft that caresses the skin rather than something itchy and uncomfortable.
It is very true that Sanderson bedding also ticks the box of a big enough range of designs and colours to match your requirements. We all want something comfortable to sleep on but we all put importance on colour and design as well so the two ideally need to go hand-in-hand. With Sanderson bedding they certainly do. There are a variety of different designs and shades as well as the option of opting for even higher thread counts, if you want a touch of even more luxury and comfort above the high standard already offered by their standard ranges.
Another advantage of Sanderson bedding is its durability. Higher thread count bedding tends to last longer, so although you may be spending more for a luxurious look and feel, you will actually save money by not having to regularly replace shoddy quality sheets. Sanderson bedding will look great and last for years.
So, next time you are thinking of buying some new bedding and just go searching for anything you can find, try to remember to give it a little bit more credit. Your bed is somewhere that you spend literally decades of your precious life so maybe you might just want to give it that little bit more thought next time!