Dealing with a Bed Bug Invasion
In the past, many people thought bed bugs were just insects of legend. Nowadays, more and more people are finding out that these small, wingless insects are quite real. They are becoming a problem for establishments all over the country and the world.
In the past,

many people thought bed bugs were just insects of legend. Nowadays, more and more people are finding out that these small, wingless insects are quite real. They are becoming a problem for establishments all over the country and the world. They can cause problems in homes, motel rooms, homeless shelters, college dormitories, and various other places.
The bad thing about bed bugs is they tend to bite humans while they sleep. While feeding on human blood, they will also inject a bit of saliva into the body. If they bite the person frequently enough he or she may develop an allergic response causing a red, itchy bump to appear. Here are tips on dealing with a bed bug invasion.
It is very important for you to have little clutter around your home. Bed bugs are extremely small, so they can find many different places to hide. You certainly would not want to give them additional places to rest their heads as it would make it much more difficult for you to inspect your home should you find out there is a problem.
As their name suggests, bed bugs love to infest bedding, and they will also setup shop in garments too. Obviously, you will not be able to use insecticides on your bedding or clothes. Therefore, you could try washing them in temperatures exceeding 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
Vacuuming your home frequently will help a lot when it comes to dealing with a bed bug invasion. Although you will not be able to suck up every single one of them, you will be able to get quite a few including some of their eggs. Just make sure that you do not put the vacuum cleaner back in the closet with the bag still attached. You should dispose of the bag as soon as you have finished vacuuming.
Excessive heat is an excellent way to kill bed bugs. However, you will not be able to simply turn up the heat in your home and wait for them all to die. You would need to use a special heater like the kind the professionals use.
The most effective way to deal with bed bugs is the use of insecticide. Avoid using products that were designed specifically for cockroaches or ants because they arenot effective on these insects. You will likely need more than one insecticide treatment in order to get rid of the problem for good.