Not sure what decorating style you have? Article provides 3 steps for your discovery.
What one person likes another may not. You can feel perfectly relaxed in a country wooded area sipping your ice tea while another person may want to jump into their convertible car and drive to the closest modern city for a cup of coffee (double latte pleeeaase!).
Below are the 3 steps to finding your TRUE style:
1st STEP:Explore with your “armor of truth”. Look around your space and (this is the part that is difficult for most people) ADMIT which items you actually love and do not like. Are you displaying items because they are gifts or because you truly like them? Be true to yourself - don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone!
2nd STEP:Write down a list of 5 items in your room that you "truly" love. Are you keeping furnishings from the past (college days, previous home) that you have been meaning to replace with new ones, but haven’t done so because of xyz reason? Do you love the look AND color AND size of your items?
3rd STEP:Pick the style that is closest to the 5 items in your list. Did you know that there are more than 30 different design styles? Here are a few: Art Deco, Arts & Crafts, Asian, Colonial, Contemporary, Cottage, Country, Eclectic, French, Garden, Rustic, (a moment to take a breather) Mediterranean, Modern, Rustic, Ranch, Romantic, Shabby Chic, Tropical, plus more (phew!).
The secret to finding your true style is a simple concept that holds value in everyday living – let go of the past so you can prosper in the present & future. It is as simple as it sounds; yet it’s not always easy to incorporate. Being honest with yourself will help you filter out what you do and do not like and helps you narrow down a style that you truly love. Even eclectic spirits (which mix a variety of styles) can narrow down what they do NOT like. So go ahead, try it!
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