Don’t Forget Chimney Cleanings are for Wood Stoves Too!
If you have a fireplace you should already know how important it is to have your chimney cleaned. If you have a wood stove in your home, then you will also need to clean your chimney or hire someone to do it for you.
If you have a fireplace you should already know how important it is to have your chimney cleaned. If you have a wood stove in your home,

then you will also need to clean your chimney or hire someone to do it for you.
Failure to clean your chimney on a regular basis can lead to all sorts of problems. Mainly, it will reduce the efficiency of your stove, so you will likely have to burn more fuel in order to get decent heat from it. Also, an unclean chimney can lead to disaster in the form of a chimney or house fire.
Whenever you burn wood in your stove, creosote will be produced as a byproduct. It will form deposits inside of your chimney if it is not cleaned out regularly. Deposits of creosote are extremely flammable and can easily lead to a chimney fire if your stove starts producing too much heat or if burning embers come into contact with them.
There are different types of wood you can burn in your stove. Different types produce different amounts of creosote when burned. Regardless of the type of wood you choose, you should opt for some that is well-seasoned.
The number of times you should have your chimney cleaned depends on how frequently you use your wood stove. At a minimum, you should have it done once or twice each year. It is not that difficult to clean your chimney yourself.
You simply need to get the right tools to handle the job. It is also vital for you to take proper safety precautions when cleaning your chimney since you will be high off of the ground. Make sure you protect your belongings inside from the soot and other debris.
Although you should have little trouble cleaning your chimney yourself as long as you are careful, it is still a good idea to hire a professional chimney sweep. One of these professionals will get the job done properly and safely. They will also check your chimney for any other problems.
They will check things such as the chimney's structure to see if it is sound, the status of the liner, as well as numerous other possible problems. If problems are detected, you should get them fixed as soon as possible to avoid more expensive and serious problems that can develop in the future.
If you use your chimney with a fireplace or wood stove it is important for you to have it cleaned. Make sure you do not burn other objects such as newspaper in your wood stove either.