Facts About AC Replacement
Look for a new energy efficient model for your A/C replacement. You will also save money on your energy bill.
When you need an AC replacement have it done before the hot days of summer begin and the HVAC technicians are backed up with emergency AC repairs. It may be cooling down but that doesn't mean you should ignore your air conditioning unit just because you don't anticipate using it for the next few seasons.
Fall is a good time to have you're AC unit looked at and diagnosed,

especially if it didn't run well or at all during the summer. Your air conditioning is not just a luxury- particularly if you live in a hot climate. The toll of hot days can have a medical impact on people, specifically the elderly and young children who have a hard time regulating their body temperatures on their own.
Both of these groups are more prone to suffer from heat stroke and heat exhaustion even in the comfort of their own homes. When heat waves strike it's not uncommon for the elderly living along without an adequate cooling system to suffer. Unfortunately, some may end up in the ER with serious medical conditions or even die from the effects of the heat.
Even if you are not in a high-risk group for heat related injuries, you understand the discomfort of enduring a summer without AC. Thus making you want to not endure another upcoming summer without any relief in sight.
If your air conditioning unit is beyond repair an AC replacement can cool your home and may even save you money since the newer HVAC units are more economical and energy efficient. If your air conditioning unit is older than twelve years old you can actually save as much as thirty percent on your energy bills by replacing it with a newer model.
Your AC unit is rated for energy efficiency with a SEER rating which stands for seasonal energy efficiency rating. Air conditioning units manufactured after 2006 have a minimum SEER rating of thirteen, while older units may only have an energy efficiency rating of nine. The maximum seasonal energy efficiency rating available for newer air conditioning units is twenty six. This gives you an idea of the wide range of SEER ratings which will help you when you're looking for an AC replacement.
The higher your SEER rating the more energy efficient the unit- so clearly newer units even at the minimum level exceed older units with their abilities towards being energy efficiency which saves you money on your energy bills.
If you're still not sure where to start, talk to your HVAC technician and ask them to give you some guidance on your AC replacement. This will ensure that not only do you get the most energy-efficient model available, but you get the best sized model for your needs.