Fire Alarm System: Making Sure You Have a Safe Home or Office
A fire alarm system can ensure that everyone in your home or office gets out quickly and safely in case of a blaze. Of course, even the best product is worthless if you don't give it a little help. Here are some steps you can take that will ensure the protection of your family, co-workers, and self.
A fire alarm system can ensure that everyone in your home or office gets out quickly and safely in case of a blaze. Of course,

even the best product is worthless if you don't give it a little help. This means, of course, having a plan in case of an emergency and making sure you aren't doing anything that will keep your alarm from working when disaster strikes. Here are some steps you can take that will ensure the protection of your family, co-workers, and self.
Clear Exits
If your fire alarm system sets off a warning, you want to be able to get out. That means having a clear escape plan, as well as an emergency plan you can use in case one of your exits is unexpectedly blocked. This can happen in the event of a disaster, so you would be wise to plan for a contingency. Having said that, these plans won't do you any good if you purposefully block your exits before an emergency even happens. Yet people do it all the time. Take a look around and make sure all of your doors and windows are easily accessible and won't require people to shove furniture away to get through them.
Dangerous Substances
There are certain items and substances that will go up in flames a lot more quickly than others. If you're serious about giving your fire alarm system the best chance it has to protect you, try to make sure your home or office isn't filled with kindling. Certainly, paper and other products are a necessary part of most offices. Flammable liquids, however, probably aren't. If you have to have these things around, keep them in a fireproof case or room until you need to bring them out for use. Replace them into their containers when finished.
You can have the best fire alarm system money will buy and it will not do you any good if it isn't working properly. Many of these products come with ways the homeowner (or office manager) can test them on their own. If yours has such a function, give it a test every now and then to make sure you're still protected. Whether it does or not, however, you might consider having professionals come out periodically to test your system and see that it meets specifications. In an office environment, you'll probably be subjected to mandatory testing. In a home environment, you may want to invite it for maximum safety.