Fixing Lawn Care Problems With the Right Tools
How do the right lawn care tools give you a better looking lawn and what are some of the lawn problems you can fix at home?
Most people who have a lawn desire for it to look great,

and doing this often requires that you invest in special tools. For example, you will have a messier appearing lawn if your mower blade is dull, and you will have a weedy lawn if you can't get it fertilized because your spreader is not set correctly. One of the tools you will need to have an amazing lawn is a good mower. If you spend the money for a good mower, you will have a better quality yard because they can usually be adjusted so that you can customize your grass height. It will also be self-propelled, and can make tighter turns. Along with a good mower, a mulcher would come in handy so that you can crunch up the leaves after mowing creating a natural fertilizer all winter long. Finally, you need a spreader for a great looking lawn to allow for even distribution of all fertilizer and grass seeds so that it is all even as it grows. If you want to perform your own lawn care there are some problems that you will need to handle. These problems are: • Weeds are out of control. The best way to get them under control is to find out exactly what one is crowding out your lawn by visiting your library or researching the Internet. Once you have found out what the weed is, you will need to find the right weed killer that will kill only that weed and not the surrounding grass. • Bare areas in your yard. With longevity at one address will come bare spots due to normal wear on the lawn. However, sometimes it is also caused by disease and may require some type of solution. To fill the patches, put in some good quality topsoil and put in a little fertilizer, then prepare the soil and put on the grass seed. Then cover it all with some straw and keep it damp until the grass starts popping through the soil. • Bumpy ground. To remedy this problem you can add some compost and topsoil and spread it over the ground with a rake and fertilize and water it. If the bumps are too large, however, you may want to consider hiring a lawn care professional who can offer you some different solutions. • Hard Soil. When you have a lot of foot traffic and dry weather, the soil can get hard and difficult to work, so an aerator is a great tool to help ventilate your lawn several times a year. This produces a greener lawn. Sometimes it is easier to call a lawn care professional for this. Whatever the problem is in your yard lawn, repair can be very simple and if you have the right tools, your lawn can look amazing year after year.