From the Mouths of Maids: Health Risks of a Messy Home
Many Americans are too busy to keep their homes clean and organized, but the health risks of being messy may be wasting you time and money. Find out the secrets that maids know about the correlation between home and health.
When life gets busy and hectic,

parts of a person's normal routine have to be skimped on. There are only so many hours in a day, and even the most organized have to cut some corners now and again. Often times the chores around the home are the first to be neglected, especially without the help of maids. Dishes pile up in the sink and laundry goes unattended when things get too fast paced. While a little untidiness can be harmless, recent studies show that a messy or dirty household can negatively affect the health of you and your family.
For some, a cluttered house can lead to stress. When clothes are scattered about the floor and dishes are piled on the kitchen counter, life at home seems a little more chaotic. Studies have shown that high blood pressure is linked to individuals whose homes have become domestic disaster areas. Patients surveyed were found to have increased stress levels and blood pressure, but not while at home. Most of the patients' stress actually came from anticipating doing the cleaning and not having the time to do so. By setting aside a little extra time for cleaning or enlisting the help of maids, high-strung individuals can eliminate one of the stressors that leads them to discomfort.
Too much clutter around the house also creates falling hazards. Households with children or elderly are especially at risk, though an unlucky person of any age could fall victim to a stray object in the dark at night. If your house has multiple stories a staircase can become a serious danger when left unattended to. Confining your dirty clothes to a laundry hamper can easily keep your floor space clear, and a little extra time spent putting your groceries or purchases when you get home will go a long way. Spend some time determining where all of your possessions belong. A little organization ahead of time means that you won't have to decide what to do about your clutter when you're low on time. Bringing maids in for a weekly visit can also keep your belongings neatly tucked away and walking spaces open.
Of course, a house left unattended to is a safe haven for germs. Food left out after meals and uncollected garbage are breeding grounds for harmful bacteria that cause sickness. Without the regular cleaning and upkeep that maids are used to, the surfaces and basins in your home will turn against you. Dishes left in sinks are prone to growing colonies of E. coli and salmonella, while infectious bacteria like staphylococcus are fond of bathtubs. These infections aren't hard to prevent, but many Americans don't realize the danger because these threats are invisible.
An unkempt home can cause health risks of all kinds, but a little extra time or planning can go a long way in bringing peace to your hectic life. A little planning for your home's organization and perhaps some help from a few maids will keep you feeling better and able to focus on what's most important in your life.