Garage Doors: Choosing a Unique Style
Everyone in the neighborhood has the same garage doors. Make a statement and choose a new door that looks unique and adds value to your home.
Just like the exterior paint or landscaping,

garage doors add to the look of a home. They can add or detract interest from the house because of their prominence in the front. Instead of a traditional door with the same color as the neighbors, look for something new and original that adds to interest and value of the home.
When it comes to garage doors, choosing the right color can be just as difficult as picking out new paint for the living room. There are tons of colors to choose from. The door needs to match the house; it needs to fit in with the overall style of the exterior. Set up an appointment with a local professional for a consultation. Here you can learn more about the different options available and get an opinion on which of the models will work best on the home. Instead of just choosing one color, consider adding accent colors to make the door stand out even more.
If the current door is in good shape, consider just making a change to the color. It is possible, with different paint techniques, to make the space look like it was created from a completely different material. Add definition to your home with a surface that looks aged and worn. Or, just adding a new coat of the same color will update the door and add to the overall aesthetics of the home.
No matter what the style of home, there is a garage door that will blend in. The doors should stand out as a focal point. It is more important that they add to the overall look and enhance the exterior of the home. A rustic home would match well with a door that looks aged. It is possible to match up the style of windows or even the style of a nearby building, to give the property a more uniform look. Small windows can be added along the top of the door to give a customized feel.
Homeowner's associations tend to be strict about changes to garage doors. Their goal is to keep the community looking pleasant. Be sure to find out if there are specific colors that need to be used for the new door. This will save some time and money upfront. Finding out that the color doesn't work after the fact can be frustrating.
Fill out the necessary paperwork in advance. Include a picture or photo, if requested, to ensure that you get the approval necessary to continue with your project. Changing or improving garage doors are a great way for homeowners to improve the exterior of their home while adding value.