Geothermal Heating and Cooling Saves Money and Energy
Geothermal heating and cooling is a relatively new technology that uses the consistent temperature of the earth to heat and cool a building. It is significantly more energy efficient and also reduces utility cost but the cost to install can be fairly high.
There is an incredible way of regulating temperature in a home that almost no homeowners have heard of. It utilizes the fact that no matter what the season is there is one thing that maintains a consistent temperature. That thing is the surface of the earth. In fact it is without fail always about 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This means that in the summer it is possible to displace heat down into the ground to cool the house. In the winter it means drawing up that absorbed warmth into the building. This process is called geothermal heating and cooling and it is not just a good way to be environmentally conscious it can save a lot of money,

somewhere in the neighborhood of 50 percent of total energy costs in the summer and up to 70 percent in the winter. In addition to the energy savings there are a number of state and federal government tax incentives to take advantage of technologies like this one.
Geothermal heating and cooling works in a way very similar to how a typical air conditioning unit operates but it is far less expensive. In fact it can save over a thousand dollars a year. Since these units are more expensive than traditional methods they pay for themselves in anywhere from three to five years. In fact these systems are so efficient and cost effective because they do not burn fuel. No need to pay for natural gas or other fossil fuels. In fact because there is no need to generate heat the system provides several units of energy for each one used to power the pump.
The way these geothermal heating and cooling systems work is that it uses water or water and antifreeze mixed together to circulate deep underground in order to either gather or give off heat. These pipes either run vertically in holes as low as 250 feet down or through a series of trenches laid out horizontally beneath the home. Occasionally in areas with an aquifer beneath them the installers will use what is called an open system. This circulates ground water up and then releases it back to its source. Other than this source of energy these units work much in the same way as conventional furnaces or air-conditioners. The biggest difference is the fact that the amount of power necessary to run geothermal heating and cooling units is that more than two-thirds of their power is derived from the clean and renewable warmth of the earth.
This reliance on a renewable source of power makes geothermal heating and cooling a very appealing technology. In fact because it is so efficient and clean it is certified by the Environmental Protection Agency. This Energy Star Label allows for tax benefits, utility refunds and in some cases lower mortgages. The downside is the cost to install. Because this technology is so new there is a dearth of qualified contractors and manufacturers of the materials. Additionally installation is significantly more than something comparable.