Planning to renovate your home? How about considering an Indian Style decoration. this article gives quick overview about the elegance of an Indian style and how you and your home will benefit from it.
Indian style furniture tends to have a lot of sculpting,

color, design, fabrics, textiles and detail. In order to fuse Indian furniture with the concept of modern furniture, it’s important to keep it simple without too much fru fru. This can involve a lot of editing when it comes to shopping for Indian furniture, as Indian style design pieces tend to have a lot of personality and flair.
Many modern furniture stores have reproduced antique Indian furniture pieces, focusing on the rustic influence it has. To keep it modern, it’s important to focus on certain elements of Indian style furniture and décor to capture the right look for your modern home. Here are some ways to capture modern minimalism with the historical essence of Indian culture.
Solid purples and reds
These two colors seem to capture the essence of the Indian style best. Knowing how to sift through the amazing color palette of Indian style furniture and décor is not easy and involves a certain design discipline. Keep in mind purples and reds for a chic, opulent look. In order to keep it modern, it’s best to stay consistent with one color and fabric and not get
too wild with too many colors.
Velvets and silks
Dated back into ancient times, Indian style has always utilized velvet and silks in its fabric and the upholstery of its furniture. Dark purple velvet cushioning lining the sofa or bright red silk pillows on the bed add a certain bourgeois feeling to the home you are decorating. There is a sense of royalty and nobility while eyeing or sitting on a velvet-draped chair, a feeling that exudes confidence and esteem. Even a silk throw blanket or velvet-lined drapery gives off a modish kick, capturing that antique look as well.
The art of silver-folding
A lot of antique Indian style furniture and décor was made from pure sterling silver, hand-crafted and solid, with elaborate details and creativity. Intricate designs were inlayed into the silver, which was used for headboards, stools, chairs, trunks, desks, statues and the opulent adornment in luxurious kingdoms.
Nowadays, modern furniture stores are reproducing and drawing inspiration from these ancient design pieces with a process called silver-folding. Brass and metals are being imprinted with historical, elaborate Indian designs. It is a timely process, because many items are done by hand, but the outcome is a piece of furniture that will last you a lifetime and never tarnish or lose its durability. In essence, it’s a great investment.
Indian art and decor
In many minimalist homes, the piece of artwork in a room is the standout item. It sets the stage for the furniture, fabrics, patterns, styles and overall vibe. Yoga and spirituality are huge influences of Indian culture and symbols of these practices can be hung against the walls of your modern home to give off a more peaceful presence.
A piece of folk art featuring Lord Shiva or Lord Ganesha (strong symbols of Indian culture) is always a nice touch to a hallway or foyer. Chakra and mandala symbols, intricate oil paintings of Buddha and Batik paintings are classic Indian staples that add
a lift to any modern home.
Ancient Indian accessories
A handmade Indian jewelry box on the dresser in your bedroom adds historical value to your home. Serve your guests with Indian style pots, bowls, dishes and silverware, which are usually deeply embroidered with beautiful ethnic motifs. A statue made from wood, stone, marble or brass is always a nice addition to a room that needs an extra jolt.
Usually these items are created by artisans and craftsman, making them quite expensive but well worth it. A stylish rug made from Kashmir, Agra or Badohi in pure silk and wool is another element one can use in designing their modern home with Indian elements. Wood carvings or marble plates on display featuring India’s coveted symbols of peace and tranquility is another design possibility.
Indian culture has created some of the finest pieces in design and art. When designing your modern home, it’s important to think of the Indian culture for inspiration, good energy and a positive flow