Helpful Lighting Tips for Your Living Room
Whether you spend a lot of time in your living room or very little you want to be selective about your lighting choices. Here we offer some practical tips to help you bring light into your living room.
Not every house's living room has the same purpose. Some people use their living room when they have family or friends over and it is an entertaining room only. Others use the room to watch television in and to do any number of other activities in. No matter what your living area is used for you need the right type of lighting to suit your needs.
The lighting you choose needs to be accommodating to the size of the space and to the many purposes of the room. There are many ways to brighten up a room and give it the look that you desire.
Table lamps offer task lighting that can be very appealing and can provide the ambiance that you are looking for. Having a few table lamps situated throughout the room is a good idea. Matching lamps placed on end tables looks very symmetrical,

or if you prefer mixing and matching, then place the lamps in different areas about the room. Or you can throw convention to the wind and purchase lamps that do not match and then position them in whatever manner is most fitting to you in the living area.
Floor lamps present an excellent option for your living room. They provide a light source in spaces that tend to be awkward for design. The wonderful thing about floor lamps is that they take up very little space in a room.
If you are searching for a fun and creative choice, then wall sconces might be right for you. While wall sconces do not give off a great deal of illumination, they complement paintings and photographs when placed near them. They also look very attractive when positioned on either side of mirrors.
Another fun, catchy and versatile means of illuminating your living room is to strategically place hanging fixtures such as chandeliers and pendant lamps about the room. If you want to bring a glow to the room, then these decorative lamp choices can do the trick nicely. These types of fixtures offer the element of surprise because most people who enter a room do not expect them. This can be an interesting touch when you have company over.
Make sure though that your ceilings are high enough that you do not have to worry that anyone will bump their head on your hanging lights. Fixtures such as this are fitting for rooms where ceilings are at least 9' in height.
Experiment with a variety of options to give your living room a special mix. Track and pot lights are other alternatives but often are not the most suitable options for the lively and busy living room in a home.