Home Threats: Termites and Mold
One of the more serious issues that can occur in a home is mold. Homeowners who are aware of such a problem are wise to address it immediately though there are a large number of owners who don’t know that their home has mold growing within their homes walls.
Homeowners across the country face a number of issues concerning the upkeep of their homes. Of course when such a topic is brought up in conversation most people are apt to first think of new coats of paint,

a new garden, new furniture, and even things like seasonal cleanings. Fewer people however often consider preventative measures to keep a home safe and comfortable. Actions such as home inspections are often overlooked as some home owners tend to ignore the more serious problems that might occur in a home.
One of the more serious issues that can occur in a home is mold. Homeowners who are aware of such a problem are wise to address it immediately though there are a large number of owners who don’t know that their home has mold growing within their homes walls. This group of people usually remains unaware of the problem until those in the home began experiencing a variety of health issues. As toxins are released by growing molds, those who come in contact with said toxins will often develop neurological and breathing disorders. Repeated infections are common amongst those who remain naïve to the problem. Even more alarming is the fact that those who become ill often dismiss each ailment as a cold, flu, or random bug. If left untreated, mold can cause more serious health issues that can lead to death. Many professionals advise that homeowners routinely have their homes inspected for mold on an annual basis. Just because one can not see the mold doesn’t mean it’s not there. Mold can grow anywhere where moisture is present and since homes are layered with pipes carrying water an annual checkup is always a good idea.
The one other issue that often goes overlooked is one that involves hungry little critters whose veracious appetites allow them to eat you out of house and home. Termites are by far, among the most common of all household pests and are considered to be the most damaging by professional pest control experts. Homeowners with Termite problems much like those with mold issues are rarely aware that they have a problem until they either begin to see visual damage or put their home up for sale. By the time one of these scenarios has occurred however, the amount of damage done to a home is heavy and repairs as well as extermination come at a high price. Of course high costs and headaches can be avoided by practicing a little preventative maintenance. Just as you visit the doctor once a year to make sure your body is in working order, so should you have your home inspected for Termites.
While there are indeed other issues that are commonly overlooked by homeowners none cause more damage and health issues than do mold and Termites. Real estate agents, extermination specialists and mold inspectors have put an emphasis on regular inspections so that homeowners aren’t taken by surprise by these things. Taking care of your home will ensure that it provides you with comfortable living for years to come.