How to Get a 100% Green Star Rating for your Floor Covering

Aug 14


Donna Lyon

Donna Lyon

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When calculating your green star rating, it is important to know upfront whether the floor covering you are planning to use is new, reused or environmentally innovative. What can often be a difficult and confusing process to navigate through, can be made very simple when you use a secondhand floor covering.


Calculating your green star rating can often be a difficult and confusing process when building a new office or undergoing a refurbishment. Thankfully when it comes to your floor coverings,How to Get a 100% Green Star Rating for your Floor Covering Articles it can be very easy to achieve a 100% green star rating.

 It is important to know upfront whether the material you are planning

to use is new, reused or environmentally innovative. By using a secondhand (reusable) floor covering in your new office or refurbishment, it means you will be awarded a 100% item score in the Green Star Flooring Calculator (available from Green Building Council Australia’s website).

 According to the GBCA, re-used content is defined as “...the amount of an item by area, length, volume or mass (the metric chosen must be justified) that is sourced from a product or material that has already fulfilled its originally intended use”. Reusable floor covering options can include secondhand commercial carpet, carpet tiles and vinyl flooring.

Melbourne based business, McMats Recycled Commercial Carpets has been supplying secondhand commercial carpet and carpet tiles for over 18 years to a wide variety of markets. Their contribution to a companies green star rating is a very simple story; by using McMats reusable floor coverings, it means companies that use their material will get 100% in the green star flooring calculator. In addition, they can help companies achieve credits in the Waste Management section of the Green Star rating tools by picking up the existing floor covering for the purpose of reusing it. Relevant supporting documentation needs to be kept to include square meterage and weight in order to measure the environmental saving.

 Achieving a green star rating can have enormous benefits for your company, from decreasing operating costs through to increasing your competitive advantage and attracting more tenancy. If you want your business to be recognized as a leader in the environmental landscape then consider getting a green star rating for your building and make life simple by using secondhand commercial carpet or carpet tiles as your choice of floor covering.

For more information regarding McMats Recycled Carpets products, visit or phone (03) 9761 4451.