Looking for Second Hand Carpet? Five Tips On Choosing The Best Quality Carpet

Sep 27


Donna Lyon

Donna Lyon

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When looking for second hand carpet, there are certain things to know if you are going to get the best quality carpet. Remember, floor coverings take the brunt of everything. It is the same as buying a new car, once you drive it out it is second hand. It has been said by elderly carpet layers (rare) that recycled second hand commercial carpet gets better as it gets older. The carpet actually adjusts to your lifestyle and what is noticeable when the carpet is first laid becomes a distant blur in a very short time.


So when looking for second hand carpet here are five tips on choosing the best quality carpet. 

1. Buy commercial carpet rather than domestic. The carpets are predominantly heavy-duty wool because wool wears very well. It also contains less toxicity on flame than synthetic carpets. Commercial wool carpet comes from high-rise office blocks and this carpet is designed for hundreds of people daily to walk on. When it is relayed into a domestic environment normally two adults,Looking for Second Hand Carpet?  Five Tips On Choosing The Best Quality Carpet  Articles maybe four kids and a couple of dogs walk on it. This is still nothing in comparison to what it is designed to take. The architectural specifications on carpet for these buildings are second to none. 

2. When buying carpet, don’t use feel as a guide. Feet should be used to judge, not fingertips. In order to tell how much weave there is dig your finger nails in to try and feel the backing which gives you a good indication of how much carpet there is per square inch. You can work out the quality of the pile this way.

3. Remember that only 33.3 per cent of your floor is seen after furniture goes in. This means you can get away with colour variations a lot more, so using second hand carpet makes total sense.

4. There are certain videos out there that can give you instructions on how to install carpet but it is an OH&S job. Irrespective of new or second hand, quite simply, don’t do it yourself. Leave it to the professionals.

5. Speak to your carpet company about where your furniture is going. Your entry hall, lounge room and dining room are the most noticeable areas for your floor coverings because there will be less furniture on these areas. Bedrooms are generally hidden with beds and wardrobes etc. The carpet company can cut second hand commercial carpet around your specifications.

A great place to go hunting for quality, discount second hand commercial carpet in Melbourne is McMats Recycled N’ New Carpets. They have a HUGE range of heavy-duty second hand commercial carpets and industrial carpet tiles. I have used their carpet in an investment property and scored this for almost half the price than if I had of bought new. Plus it was clean, stain free and the quality was excellent. They have over 18 years of experience in the biz and the experience is a real hoot. http://www.mcmatsrecycledcarpets.com.au (03) 9761 4451