How to Justify the Cost of Luxury Bedding
If you have a severely restricted budget then you don't need designer bedding but if you have a little cash to splash then buying great bedding realy is worth it.
When you think about purchasing a luxury item such as the best bed linen money can buy it can be difficult to justify the cost to yourself. Although you know you want whatever it is you hanker after,

you can not actually say you need the item. That is the problem.
It just seems that if you know you will appreciate your purchase every time you see it or touch it (and that will be every day when it comes to your bedding) you will probably not regret spending the extra money. If you know why you paid extra every day when you feel the smooth cool sheets against your skin, it will seem less like an indulgence and more like a sensible way to spend your money. You will be getting value from your luxury purchase.
The real way to waste money is to buy things and then rarely use them. That may be the case with the clothes that you bought on a whim and then never wear after the first outing or the shoes that cost a fortune but kill your feet. But luxury bedding you will use over and over.
Of course, if you are in debt or you don't have enough money to live on then it is not the time to start buying the designer bedding ensemble you have your eye on. There will be time enough for that once you have your finances on an even keel. Just make it one of your goals to get back on your feet financially and to be in a position where you can easily afford that bedding.
As to which luxury bedding to buy, it is entirely up to you. One person's luxury is another person's dull as ditchwater bedding. Don't feel that you have to buy classic white or cream bedding just because you're paying a lot and want it to go with everything ever more. Indulge yourself with a color you love and which will truly make you smile (unless it's white that makes you smile of course).
Use the color of your bedding to create a color scheme for your room and your bed and bedding can be the focal point. Just don't buy a color because it is fashionable. It will not be the latest thing for long and you don't want to regret your luxury purchase due to the wrong color choice.