The 1st thing to do is - open the closet, stand tall, and stare at it up and down (show NO FEAR!) then slowly stare from left to right. This will help...
The 1st thing to do is - open the closet, stand tall, and stare at it up and down (show NO FEAR!) then slowly stare from left to right. This will help you avoid an attack from your closet (since you are looking around for loose items in your closet that may fall on you).
After the showdown is over, you wrestle using the 3 “C” techniques that I teach all my clients that hire me to help them get organized:
1. COMMIT: Commit yourself to a reasonable time frame & stick to it. Make it fun by challenging yourself to accomplishing a task by a particular time frame - no coffee break, no pee pee break. For example say I “WILL” remove all the items from my closet within ½ hour, I “WILL” not have the chocolate covered donut in the kitchen until I finish removing the clothes.
2. COLLECT: Quickly collect & sort all the items from your closet into a large bag or container or area (bag/container will keep the items from overflowing your room & make it transportable). Place all similar items together (i.e.: all shoes in one bag, all purses/handbags in another, all clothes in bed). DO NOT analyze the items (for this will make the process longer) - the technique of collecting grabs your wrestling opponent to tame "it" before the conquest.
3. CONQUER: On 3 white pieces of paper write KEEP, DONATE, & TRASH and tape them on a designated space on your floor. Then chose what you want to tackle 1st (ie: shoes, clothes, etc.) and determine what you NEED to place back in the closet. Be realistic – if you haven’t used an items in more than a year, chances are that you will NOT use it; therefore, get rid of it so you can have MORE SPACE for items that you truly love & will wear & use.
Many times my clients find items that they thought they lost or forgot they had. Has this happened to you?
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