Paint And Ladder Safety Equipment
Any painting job is dangerous or hazardous, if the right safety precautions and the appropriate safety equipment are not employed. If you think that investing on safety equipment is not within your budget, then the best option is to hire a professional house painter Passione Painting Services.
Any painting job is dangerous or hazardous,

if the right safety precautions and the appropriate safety equipment are not employed. In essence, there are several types of safety equipment at your disposal for your next home improvement painting job. If you think that investing on safety equipment is not within your budget, then the best option is to hire a professional house painter or decorator. It may be the best option available for you in the long term.
You may wonder what safety equipment are necessary for any painting job. Any painting professional may recommend the following areas to be protected during painting: 1) Protective clothing for the skin, 2) Goggles and breathing protectors for eyes and lungs respectively, 3) Neoprene gloves for protection of your hands and 4) A cap to protect your head and hair.
The above safety equipment are mainly to avoid exposure to solvents or dangerous chemicals that contain in paints. The greatest risk is the damage to your eye during painting. For example, paint chips from scraping of existing paint or dust from sanding or paint dripping can damage your eye if not properly protected. To prevent damage to your eyes best thing to wear safety glasses or goggles. To prevent your lungs from dust and paint fumes, better to use a protective breathing equipment. Hence safety equipment is an absolute essential for many painting situations. Special care should be taken when working on old finishes, where lot of dust and debris can emanate. The other most important safety category is preventing falls, as painting involves working at heights. For these types of safety measure you need to use correct ladder types.
Safety Ladders
As we know, paint work involves working at heights. As such, this is the most dangerous aspect of a paint or home improvement project. ItÕs important to focus on ladder safety. The ladders with extensions are prone to many accidents. Therefore, we need to take extra precautions on ladder safety. There are three essential pieces of safety equipment that you should possess such as ladder levelers, ladder stabilizers and the pot hook.
Ladder Levelers
These levelers are absolutely necessary and useful for both interior and exterior painting jobs. Normally, the levelers keep the ladder level on varying ground. Its absolutely safer than inserting wood or other pieces to make the ladder stable. Many types of ladder levelers are available in the market, from self adjustable type to manual type. The manual type is useful on stairs to have stability of ladder during painting.
A Ladder Stabilizers:
A ladder stabilizer is set of arms that attaches to the top of the extension ladder, extending the two contact points to attain more stability. The disadvantage of using ladder stabilizers is, you cannot bring the ladder close to a corner of the walls. Similarly, ladder stabilizers add more weight so that handling and moving the ladder may be difficult.
The Pot Hook:
This simple accessory allows you to work using one hand and while other firmly holding the ladder. The simple pot hook also provide paint safety similar to other safety accessories.
The safety equipment used together will greatly enhance your safety and possibly save your life. When starting your next home improvement job, be sure to use the above paint safety equipment. Insist on the contractor to use these equipment so that no unnecessary or unpleasant accidents occur in your home.