Pest Control - Know Your Options
Pest control is two-fold, prevention and maintenance. Keeping the pests from invading your property is one of the keys to preventing an infestation.
Pest control refers to the management of bugs or rodents that wreak havoc on crops and homes. Dealing with these irritating creatures can be difficult on your own. It can be time consuming and almost maddening when you think you have the pests eradicated and they make a sudden comeback. You do not have to live with these pests and the problems they bring,

but you do need to know how to combat them successfully.
The first step to successful pest control is prevention. By eliminating possible breeding grounds and other aspects of your property that invite these unwanted guests, you can reduce the chance of infestation. Many pests, especially rodents and bugs, thrive in areas like garbage cans and dumpsters. While it is impossible to eliminate the use of garbage cans (you have to put your trash somewhere, right) you may be able to limit access to the cans. Make sure that your cans have snug fitting lids, and keep trash covered at all times. If there are any holes in the can, seal them or replace the can completely. Most rodents can squeeze into very small spaces and consequently cause a lot of damage in the process. Eliminate brush piles and any standing water, as these provide breeding grounds and can make the infestation worse if it has already started. In general, keep the areas around your home picked up and free from attraction to unsavory guests.
Even the best prevention can fail, and this is when pest control measures must be used to solve the problem. While there are many organic and animal-friendly manners offered to solve the pest control problem, these are typically not as successful as chemical methods. Few rat infestations have been eradicated because of a live trap or other measures. You may find it quickest and easiest to use some form of chemical spray to rid your property of bugs and other nuisances. Rodents are typically fed poison to kill off the population. Both of these measures are not immediate, but they are fairly quick manners of dealing with the problem.
Keep in mind that problems with insects and rodents will continue to occur unless you are very proactive. You should take care of the situation as soon as you realize that you have a problem. Otherwise, the pests will continue to multiply and you will have a more serious issue on your hands.
If you are unable to manage this problem on your own, you may need to contact a company that deals with pest control (generally called an exterminator). These companies are backed by the expertise and knowledge of handling pests on a daily basis and are well-versed in how to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.