Plumbing Mishaps - Being Prepared
When the plumbing goes out in your home, you want to know that you have a professional available to address the issue and help you get back to your daily life as soon as possible. It seems like something that everyone must go through at one time or another.
A harsh inevitability which is as trying as it is dreaded. Leafing through the phone book after the fact is never a good idea,

and as such we have put together a little guide to help you in your plumber search before you ever even need it.
Step 1 – Friends, Family & Neighbors
Nothing beats a recommendation from someone you can trust. While any service can place an add in the yellow pages, there is a certain comfort that comes along with a face to face recommendation from someone who has been through the search before. Ask around to friends, family members and neighbors to find out who they use for their plumbing needs. Keep track of the information you obtain and ask specific questions regarding rates, reliability, availability and special services.
Step 2 – Internet
Grab your favorite office chair and hop online. There are quite a few resources online which are dedicated to helping consumers find the best plumbing services for their needs. You can compare rates, locations, specific services and more, all from the comfort of your living room. Additionally, you can checkup on the services that you have been recommended and find reviews to see if others have had similar experiences with the plumber in the past. Once again, keep track of the information you obtain and add to your note.
Step 3 – Realtors
If you’re new to the area, call up your realtor. Most realtors have a wealth of experience dealing with various servicemen throughout their area of business. You can generally count on a realtor to know who is worth their salt and who is a waste of time. Even if you’re not new, you can still contact a realtor or property manager in the area to find out who they would recommend.
Step 4 - Interviews
Once you’ve obtained a solid list of candidates, the next step is finding out for yourself. Choose your top three picks and call up each to schedule a quick plumbing consultation. This can be done in person or over the phone. Have a list of questions available, including those regarding specific services, rates, availability and anything else you feel will help with the decision-making process. As always, be sure to take notes on your findings.
Step 5 – Compare and Contrast
By this point, you should have a fairly good idea of who you will be going with. If not, sit down and compare your notes of each professional against the others. While you may be tempted to choose the service with the lowest prices, take the quality of work into consideration as well. Remember, in most cases, you tend to get what you pay for.
Once you’ve chosen your man, keep his number ready and in a stop that you will remember. Once a problem arises, you won’t have to think twice about finding a solution.