Plumbing Needs: Find The Right Plumber
Angie's List makes finding a qualified plumber much easier at any time of the day or night, being the simplest yet the best way to find qualified business.
It's the middle of the night and you're wide awake staring at the ceiling,

not because you're overwhelmed with worry about the new health care plan or when your unemployment will run out- although both can cause stress and insomnia- but no your wide awake because you're listening to the drip, drip, drip of the bathroom faucet. Twenty drips a minute, you count.
That can't' be good for your water bill. That's almost three gallons of water a day dripping down the drain.
You feel a flash o f guilt thinking of all those people in third world countries who don't have water at all and your letting three whole gallons just drip away. Somehow you make it to six am before you stumble bleary eyed into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee strong enough to carry you to work but the whole time your wondering to yourself- where do I find a plumber? Do you use the yellow pages to pick the largest ad? Do you call the one with the catchy jingle that you can't get out of your sleep deprived head? Why couldn't you have picked out a plumber before you ever foresaw the day when you would need one?
The best way to find a good plumber of course is word of mouth. But somehow calling all your friends, relatives and co workers for a recommendation at six am does not seem like the best plan to get any qualified responses. The next best thing to using the plumber that your dad used and his dad used before him and -how old is this plumber by now anyways?
So maybe the next to the next best thing is to use some guide. This is a consumer driven web site that allows members to look at and post reviews of any business including you guessed it- plumbers. And some lists does not mind if you look for plumber at six in the morning or midnight or any other time of the day for that matter.
The web site is user friendly to navigate even for the sleep deprived. If you want to read every review you can, if you just want to look at the letter grade based on the overall review of a plumber you can do that too. You can even go wild and do both. The best part about using one of the recommended plumbers on such lists is the fact that you know the review is real. The staff won't delete out poor reviews but they will make sure the reviews have a member name attached and they are pretty clever about finding the reviews that are planted. What this means to you is the review is legitimate and you just found your new plumber.