Realtors And Their Job
This article is about realtors and what they do. It explains what they do for their clients and what they expect from their clients.
Realtors are individuals who deal with real property. They are intermediary people between the sellers and the buyers of land and property. Basically,

these people are trained to handle sales, rentals and leases of real property, although, they usually deal with sellers and buyers. They are also known as brokers in some parts of the world.
Their Responsibilities:
The first responsibility of realtors is to procure a license that enables them to act as a go between for their seller or buyer. This license is usually given by the governing body that oversees their organization as well as a government agency that requires brokers and their assistants to have this. Without the license, some sellers of properties will not deal with the person. It acts as a sort of certificate that this individual has undergone trainings and seminars to brief him extensively about real estate and other properties. While the responsibilities of these professionals are dependent on which state they are currently registered, they also have a general responsibility to their client regarding looking for the best solution to the selling or buying of property.
The detailed responsibilities that they generally have, include, but are not limited to, the assessment or analysis of the property with regards to others of similar conditions, exposing the property to the market in order to sell it, facilitating the sale or the purchase of property, preparing the property for display, preparing the documentation for a transaction (either selling, buying, leasing and others) and management of property. Realtors may also do other services for their clients but these may need to be discussed, agreed upon and put in writing in order to be held. In spite having an ulterior motive to have the client finish the venture as soon as possible to collect their commission, many of these professionals actually try their best to provide the preferred property that their client may be looking for or provide the necessary buyers that their client wants.
Clients Responsibilities:
The buyers or sellers of property who hire these professionals also have responsibilities to the real estate brokers whom they have hired. Foremost among these responsibilities is the actual property that they need to sell or buy. For sellers, the property needs to be clean with no legal problems that may affect its sale. For buyers, they need to provide information regarding their preferences in property. The realtors will assess the land or property for sale while they will scout around for viable property that they believe suits the client who wants to buy. The client also has to provide the necessary commission that is usually agreed upon from the start of the venture. In many cases, it is the seller who provides the commission to the realtors. There are also some instances when the buyers or those who have asked the real estate broker to look for an ideal property for them, are the ones who will provide the commission of the payment for services due to those who have helped them achieve something.