Shelves Make Your World A Little Less Cluttered
Putting shelves up in your home can not only be decorative but functional. A set of shelves can remove clutter and organize your space as well as your life. Need some good ideas for shelving? Here are a few.
A small bathroom can be a pain when it comes to storing toiletries and other essential items. There is cute shelving you can get for a small space that is as small a six inches in depth to not interfere with standing areas. They come in open flat shelving or ones that look like a small medicine cabinet. You can also find corner shelves that have covers as well.
A cluttered kitchen is cumbersome. Adding shelving to a space will free up counter space. There are also shelves that you can purchase to double in cabinets. Try posting a shelf for spices on a wall. Cups and cute plates can also be displayed on walls for easy access instead of cabinets.
If you are a collector you can display items by placing thin shelves twelve inches about the refrigerator along the line of your kitchen. There you can display knick knacks and treasure instead of your counter tops. Your display can be viewed by you and others without losing very much needed counter space.
A simple bookshelf in a hallway or children's room can be a great way to keeps more than books organized. Many stores sell cute baskets in all colors to match a room to store small toys for example. It also teaches children to pick up after themselves. They can pull out the basket when using items and put it back when finished.
You can go to the hardware store and get a piece of nice wood for an inexpensive prices the same width or the window. In a children's room you can keep the wood look or paint it. There you can place stuffed animals or dolls to get them off the ground and display them nicely. They are also good for trophies or awards.
If you are a game player storing cards and other materials in a basket on a shelf is a great way to have them handy when needed and hidden when not in use. Many stores sell systems that hook together if you want to create a great look for an inexpensive price.
Simple shelving in the garage organizes clutter making a garage you can actually walk through or park a car. You can find metal shelves for a great price or wooden ones that hold large items or boxes. You can also hang shelves from ceilings to store items you rarely use but want to keep such as Christmas decorations.
Putting a bookshelf on a wall or standing next to a small space where a desk may go can free up space on your desk. You can store bills,
books and more within convenient reach to where you are working. Many baskets or plastic containers are made to hold files to keep you papers organized.
Your options are virtually unlimited with shelves these days. They come in a variety of colors and wood grains. They are easy to install yourself or you can call a handyman to help you place them securely.