A shower valves, it is actually a device that is a part of a shower of our bathroom.
This device helps in controlling the flow of water which is hot and cold both. This control has been done by valve by making use of different combination like flow controls, temperature controls and different diverters. So, how these three things work?
All shower valves normally comes with only one temperature control system. This control completely depends on the total proportion of hot as well as cold water. This water is mixed and controlled by the valves then it will direct that mixed water to the different functions. Here functions mean outlets of the shower like overhead outlet, body jets or slider rail.
Another one is flow control. This is a simple valve which is controlled with the help of handle or it is also called lever. This will take the mixed water first and control its flow from full to medium. It also allows fine controlling of the rate flow. Each of the flow control mechanism here generally controls the total rate. It can be from single valve or multiple valve outlets. Shower can be controlled with two different functions like an overhead and hand held shower.
Third one is called Diverter. This is a kind of switch that is used to direct the flaw of water which is mixed in your valve. There are two three different kind of switches available in the market today. Two way diverter switch, this helps in controlling the water between the outlets. Three ways diverter switches are used to control the flow in three way outlets. Even diverter also comes with off position. This helps in cutting off the supply to all the outlets. Diverters never supply the water flow to all outlets together. They only supply one at a time.
A shower values generally comes with in-built safety system that helps in cutting off the water flow if incase the water temperature exceeds to its limits. Some of the valves also help in maintaining the regular temperature of water. But, you will rarely find this kind of valves. Most of the valves help in providing safety cut off system. Manual valves do not have this system. In common terms, shower will have a supply of water from the main system so, any changes in the usage of water in the house can surely going to make effect to the flow in your shower. This can also make mixed water to flow from the shower and it contains high proportion of water which is hot and little bit of cold water. In this kind of situation thermostatic valves can protect us from injuries to happen.
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