Showing Gratitude to a Volunteer Roofer
A volunteer roofer provides an invaluable service. Therefore, they should be shown the proper amount of appreciation.
When different storms form such as a hurricane or a strong tropical storm they produce high winds,

flooding and even tornados. This wouldn't be so bad if the area they touched down in or did their damage in was unpopulated. However, many times, they form over areas that have homes, schools, churches and businesses along with a population in the thousands and sometimes in the hundreds of thousands. When this occurs, property damage is inevitable. So many people are forced to spend thousands of dollars that they don't have to fix things like their roof. The good thing is that there are always people who are willing to volunteer their services in order to help people. So, it is important for anyone who has had the help or will have the help of a volunteer roofer to show the proper amount of gratitude and thankfulness. That is because these people are offering their time and efforts to make a difference without the thought of being paid.
The first thing someone can do to show gratitude to a volunteer roofer is to provide meals during lunch time. This doesn't necessarily mean sandwiches and chips. However, this can include actual cooked and prepared meals. So, find out what type of food they like and do your best to make it happen. If you aren't able to cook the actual meal, you may be able to purchase it from a store. However, you don't have to cook or purchase meals every single day. There may actually be some days that might be appropriate for sandwiches, but you should probably go the extra mile at least one day out of the week.
Another way to show your appreciation to your volunteer roofer is to provide an adequate amount of water for hydration. Working on a roof or any outdoor activity can be extremely uncomfortable or even dangerous, especially when it's hot outside. So, you may want to provide a gallon of water each day with cups or an ice chest filled with bottled water. Just make sure that there is enough to go around so that there will never be a shortage.
Lastly, a way to show appreciation to your volunteer roofer is to always let them know how much you appreciate them. Constantly affirm them and let them know how much they are helping you. When people feel appreciated, they tend to do a much better job. You may also want to purchase a card or gift once their job is finally complete.
Having a volunteer roofer is something that can save a lot of money. So, make sure you show them the proper appreciation for their time, hard work and effort.