Simple Do's for Air Conditioning Repair and Your Heating System
What to think about when it comes to heating repair and air conditioning repair. Keeping these in mind will prevent future problems from cropping up.
You need to keep your heating system in tiptop shape if you want it to keep your family warm and cozy throughout the cold months of winter. But what about your cooling system? Do you think about it when the snow is flying and the winds are blowing during January or February? Probably not. But perhaps you should. Air conditioning repair is not just a summer thing.
Air conditioning repair is something that does not have to wait to be handled until the summer months. If you take care of your cooling system in the winter months then you will not have to worry about an equipment breakdown right away when you turn it on later in the year.
To be smart about your heating and cooling systems think about them both around the same time and do what needs to be done in terms of maintenance. Whether it is heating repair or air conditioning repair keeping your systems in superior form is a necessity if you wish to preserve their longevity and enjoy the benefits of them both!
What to Do
Do call in a professional to do annual service on both systems. Do it right away if you realize that you cannot remember when it was last done. An air conditioning repair and heating specialist can answer any questions you have regarding these systems.
Do take the time to remove any flammable items that you have been keeping near your furnace. This is an accident waiting to happen! This includes any cans with gas in them,

lawn movers, weed whackers and the like.
Do remember to clean and/or change the air filter on your heating system and your AC on a regular basis. Clean the filters frequently and change them approximately once every three months. Air flow will be reduced if you do not and energy will be wasted, regardless of whether it is heating or cooling, as your system will have to work harder to do its job. This is a guaranteed energy waster which also means that it is a money waster as well!
Do an inspection of your chimney a few times a year to look for any bricks that are loose or any cracks. If you find any problems then call in a specialist and get the problem fixed.
Before winter sets in do take out AC units from your windows and cover the ones you have outside with covers that you can purchase at local hardware stores in your area. When you do this the damage from nasty winter weather such as snow, hail, wind and rain is minimized and so is the potential that debris will damage the cooling unit.
You need to protect your heating unit as well as your cooling unit so they will continue to do what they are supposed to do- keep you warm during part of the year and cool during the other part.