Solar Heating Systems A Popular Green Solution
The main concerns in home heating revolve around hot water heating systems, and space heating. Choosing the right solution that addresses both of these needs could be easily accomplished in parts of parts of the country that receive a substantial amount of daily direct sunlight, and even in less optimal conditions there are many options for solar heating systems that will meet a homeowners needs.
In today’s financial climate,

many homeowners are looking for the cost effective methods in maintaining their home, and solar heating systems are by far the most talked about solution.The main concerns in home heating revolve around hot water heating systems, and space heating. Choosing the right solution that addresses both of these needs can be easily accomplished in parts of parts of the country that receive a substantial amount of daily direct sunlight, and even in less optimal conditions there are many options for solar heating systems that will meet a homeowners needs.Depending on the amount of hot water a home requires for its daily needs, and the size and location of the home, there are many possible options available. The first step is comparing the pros and cons of the different solar heating systems available and then choosing how to proceed. If you plan to purchase and install your heating system yourself, then make sure you purchase the right one, the most common mistake made in the area of hot water heating systems is choosing an in adequate system. You should thoroughly research your options and make sure your needs will be met.If you plan to hire a contractor, then be sure to ask for references, and the contractor’s prior experience in installing solar heating systems. Don’t let price be the deciding factor. You should ask a lot of specific questions regarding how the solar heating system will be installed, how long it will take, and what type of warranty will you receive. Other important questions are how you can incorporate space heating or heating your swimming pool into your new solar heating system. Even though it may be more expensive initially, the potential future savings may well be worth the up front cost.Even in the most optimum climates, the use of PV (photovoltaic) panels as the primary source of running your solar heating system is not recommended, as the cost of these types of panels are very expensive, and will not be as efficient as a heat exchange or collector system, because generating electricity with photovoltaic’s require a large number of panel grids.That is not to say that PV solar panels do not have merit and substantial use and value when used in the right application, being there is adequate space to install the large number of arrays needed to generate electricity and the appropriate equipment to manage and monitor the distribution of the electricity created. Many desert and remote communities depend on solar heating systems exclusively as their means for hot water and heat.