Solar Panels Can Be Paid for in Various Ways
Before you decide to continue using regular electricity instead of solar panels due to their expense, you should consider your options. Not all companies require you to pay upfront in cash to get started using solar energy successfully.
If you are interested in solar panels,

but are not sure if you can afford them, you should consider a few payment options. You should not let the cost hold you back from implementing this tool for reducing your energy use. Instead, get creative when it comes to figuring out how to pay for it. If you need help, talk to a professional who installs or is knowledgeable about this type of product.
The upfront cost of solar panels is what usually holds some homeowners back from this kind of product. If you do not have thousands of dollars sitting around, this is understandable. However, some people do have that kind of money in savings, and are simply reluctant to use it for this item. If you are not saving for anything in particular, or will not use the funds for several years, consider using it now as an investment. Realize that installing solar panels on your roof now can help reduce your monthly utility bills right away, and this can add up over several years. Also, know that there are some rebate programs where you get money back once you install this item. If you do not plan to use your savings for much until years later, know that this could be a good investment. You will start saving every month, and then recoup more of the funds within a couple of years, all while helping the environment. Compare those cost savings with the interest your cash is earning in an account, and then determine which is the better financial route.
If you have no extra funds in savings to tap into, you can still help the environment today. As long as you have decent credit, you can get a personal loan for the installation of this item. As usual, this only makes sense if the interest rate is reasonable. Add up the extra money you will pay in interest over the years as you pay it off, and then compare it to the amount you can save monthly with this product. If you have a credit card with zero or little interest, you can take the same route since it should be worth it.
If you are still worried about the upfront costs of solar panels, consider a more creative way to get energy from sunlight. You can contract with a company that sells electricity generated by the sun. This means that you pay less than you are currently paying for regular electricity, without the upfront costs. You can still help the environment this way so you still have that peace of mind. You may end up paying slightly more this way each month than if you were to buy the solar panels on your own, as the company is acting as the middleman, but you will be able to avoid making a big commitment with the upfront payment.
These are some ways to get the same result with less of an investment, and less financial worry. If you are ready to start reducing your utility bills, look at your options to find the best one for your situation.