Solar Power Basics You Should Know Before Considering
Solar power can help you reduce energy costs and improve environmental awareness.
As the cost becomes less prohibitive and the technology becomes more available,

more and more homes across the country are thinking about going solar. Solar power literally harnesses the unending power of the sun and makes it one of the most sustainable forms of energy on the planet. If you are thinking about adding this form of power to your home, there are a few things to keep in mind before making the switch.
Across the country, your monthly energy billed is determined by two different factors. The first factor is the most obvious: you pay for what you use. Those of us that leave the lights on longer, pay more. Those of us that like to run the dishwasher twice a day, pay more. Those of us that like to have an extra long hot shower every morning, pay more. In the end, you pay for what you use. However, what most of us don't realize is that you may also pay more depending on what tier you are in. Those of us that use more and have a higher energy bill may also be paying higher rates. Higher energy users have higher energy rates in almost all states across the country. By adding solar power to your home, you can reduce your energy use and remove the higher energy rate.
If you are interested in learning exactly how much energy you use and how much energy you will be saving, it may be in your best interest to hire the services of a solar planner. A solar planner is a professional that can calculate your current energy usage and predict how much it will go down based on the installation of panels. Calculating your planned electricity demands is much more accurate at predicting how much you will spend on energy than just noting your current and actual usage.
While the best place to install your solar panels is a southwest facing roof, you can get good benefit from other directions or locations. Many salesmen like to make you think that panel positioning is everything, but all is not lost if you don't have an uninterrupted view of the southwestern sun. Other directions can give good power and reliable energy sources.
Keep all of these things in mind when considering investing in this highly efficient alternative form of technology. Your monthly energy bills will go down with solar power and you will help the environment.