Spray Foam Insulation
When you know your home needs a change that will save energy, you have probably looked into a few insulations that are available. Spray foam insulation will likely prove to be your best option.
If you are finding that your energy bills are high and your home never feels like it is the right temperature,

then you could be in need of some better insulation. There are various types that you can purchase for your home. One of the best energy efficient insulations however is spray foam. This type will not only affect your energy bills but also your home's value, atmosphere, climate, and safety.
The reason you noticed the need for better insulation was likely because of your skyrocketing energy bills. Spray foam is so energy efficient you should save between 50-80% on your energy bills, and the product should pay for itself very quickly because of all of the energy it saves. One reason that it saves all of this energy is because it is sprayed in as a liquid and then hardens in all of the spaces that could let air in or out.
Your home will have more value if you decide to sell it because you will have already put the money into this product. If you decide to sell it then you will be able to tell the people looking at your home how much you saved with this product. The energy savings will definitely add value.
The atmosphere of your home will be more pleasant because it will be quieter due to the spray foam. It probably will go both ways as well. People on the outside will probably not as likely hear conversations that are going on inside your home. So you may find that you have more privacy as well.
The climate of your home will be more what you want it to be as well. If it is summer and you have the air conditioner on then your home should stay cool. In the winter when the heat is going, you should be able to expect your home to stay the temperature you want it to be with the help of spray foam.
Your home may also be a safer place because of spray foam insulation. Because this type keeps out the air, it likely will also keep out much of the pollen and dust that you may have once had a problem with. There is also the benefit of likely having less of a problem with possible mold.
All of these benefits might depend to some degree on the spray foam insulation that you have put in. It might also depend on the company and how experienced and thorough they are at doing their job right. You will want to make sure that you find out about a company's reputation and even possibly talk to homeowners who have had a particular company do spray foam in their home. Find out if they have found the use of this product to be beneficial.