The Wine Room: Essential Tips On Storing Your Collection
There are few things more rarified and luxurious as building your own wine room. The good news is that you don't actually have to be rich to indulge in the hobby. Here are some tips on storing your collection, however modest or exorbitant it might be.
There are few things more rarified and luxurious as building your own wine room. The good news is that you don't actually have to be rich to indulge in the hobby. What you need is a commitment to learning,

a developed taste, and a collection of tips that won't steer you wrong. While more money can make for a more impressive collection, plenty of people have slowly built their collection using underappreciated vintages, buying the bottles they can afford when they can afford it. Besides, as long as you're having fun and enjoy the product, what else matters? Here are some tips on storing your collection, however modest or exorbitant it might be. Spoiling The primary purpose and function of a good wine room should be to keep the product viable. If you fail to store your bottles properly, the contents can certainly spoil. One of the most important aspects of storage is temperature. Unless you have a naturally cold cellar, you may wish to implement a refrigerated system that can keep your collection somewhere in the upper 50s, temperature-wise. Make sure the bottles are stored on their side, allowing the corks to stay wet at all times. Corks Some believe that natural corks could be going the way of the dodo very soon. Although they certainly come steeped in their own history, it has been shown that many bottles corked with natural substances can be subject to early spoilage. Artificial corks can be substituted in their place, and they have quickly grabbed their share of the marketplace. Unfortunately, they come with their own set of problems, such as removability and replacement. While purists will recoil in horror, many experts are now recommending sealing your bottles with a screw cap. Talk to the people putting in your wine room about what they recommend regarding topping off your bottles. Conversion Don't think that you need a recessed basement or a cool shed to have your own wine room. Nothing could be further from the truth. All you need is adequate space, the willingness to convert, and a company that can do the labor and provide the materials. Everything else is left to your imagination. Yes, you'll want to make sure you have some type of refrigeration and it is important to store your bottles in a dark place away from the light, but these considerations can be met in almost any environment if you have the right materials. Don't let what you have stood in the way of what you could have.